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Central Control

Review | Electronics & Music Maker, Aug 1986
Ensoniq ESQ1 Polysynth

The Mirage people announce a synth that uses analogue and digital technology, throws in a multitrack sequencer, and costs just over £1000. Paul Wiffen checks it out.

Ensoniq ESQ-1

Review | Sound On Sound, Aug 1986

A multitrack sequencer with a built-in synth or a velocity-sensitive 8-voice polysynth with a built-in 8-track step/real-time MIDI sequencer? Tony Hastings tries to make up his mind about this versatile and well-priced instrument.

Ensoniq ESQ1

Review | International Musician, Oct 1986

Ensoniq's new baby gets a warm welcome from Tony Mills.

Here In Black & White

Review | Electronics & Music Maker, Nov 1985
Korg DW8000 Polysynth

Korg's flagship poly gets a touch-sensitive keyboard, a built-in DDL, and a lot more besides. Simon Trask concludes it’s what the DW6000 should have been all along.

Korg DW-6000

Review | One Two Testing, Apr 1985

digital waveform polyphonic

Korg DW6000

Review | Electronics & Music Maker, Mar 1985
Programmable Digital Waveform Polysynth

An intriguing new synth design that tries to combine digital waveform generation with analogue control. Does it achieve its objectives? Dan Goldstein thinks it does - just.

Korg DW6000

Review | International Musician, Apr 1985

Digital programming of digital waveforms at your fingertips

Korg DW8000

Review | International Musician, Feb 1986

Tony Mills toys with the latest Korgi and gets enthusiastic

Korg DW8000 Synth

Review | One Two Testing, Sep 1985

digital poly

Making Waves

Review | Electronic Soundmaker, Apr 1985

An analog poly that rivals the DX? Korg's DW6000 might be the one...

OSC Advanced Sound Generator

Review | Electronics & Music Maker, Mar 1985
Computer Music System

Gerry Queen brings us an exclusive preview of what will be Britain's first custom-designed computer music system - from the people who brought you the OSCar monosynth. It's capable of combining analogue, digital and sampled sound sources, and it's cheap.

Oscar Synth

Review | One Two Testing, Jan 1985

Britain's finest (only?) mono

OSCar Synthesiser

Review | Electronics & Music Maker, Aug 1983

OSCar Update

Review | Electronic Soundmaker, Jan 1985

A marriage made in heaven, as OSCar gets MIDI... we attend the reception.

PPG Wave 2 Synthesiser

Review Audio | Electronics & Music Maker, Jul 1981
8-Voice Polyphonic Digital Synthesiser with 8-Track Digital Sequencer

PPG Wave 2.3

Review | Electronic Soundmaker, Jul 1984

Fairlight going cheap?

PPG Wave 2.3 and Waveterm

Review | Electronics & Music Maker, May 1984

A special report on the latest versions of these successful German instruments. Review by David Ellis.

Prophecy Fulfilled

Review | Electronics & Music Maker, May 1986
Prophet VS

Is Vector Synthesis the answer to every programmer's prayers, or another technological blind alley getting in the way of music? Peter Schlesinger takes a long hard look at the digital Prophet.

Sequential Prophet VS

Review | International Musician, Aug 1986

Fingers on the joystick. Tony Mills at the controls

Sequential Prophet VS Polysynth

Review | Electronics & Music Maker, Mar 1986

An exclusive preview of Sequential's first-ever digital synth: Paul Wiffen reckons it's been worth the wait.

Sequential's Prophet VS...

Review | Sound On Sound, Jul 1986
The new-wave sound

...'The first genuinely NEW keyboard since the DX7' proclaims our review. Mixing four different waveforms together in a technique christened 'vector synthesis', Sequential's new baby can create some stunningly different synth sounds. Could it be what the market's looking for? Mark Jenkins reports.

The Oscar

Review | Music UK, May 1983

A synth called OSCAR — Dave Crombie unveil's Britain's latest challenge

The Synths Of The Year Show

Review | International Musician, Dec 1985

Yamaha DX7, Casio CZ5000, Juno 106, Korg DW6000, 30 to 1 the field. Commentator, Tony Mills

Wersi MK1

Review | Electronics & Music Maker, Jul 1986

Simon Trask gets a sneak preview of this German organ manufacturer's first venture into the pro-synth market.

Wersi MK1 Synthesiser

Review | Music Technology, Nov 1986
Polyphonic Synthesiser

Simon Trask follows up our earlier preview of Wersi's first polyphonic synth, with a full review that delves deeper into the possibilities of additive synthesis. Is it too complex to use?



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