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Electronics & Music Maker - July 1985

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Another dip into the E&MM postbag.


Mistaken Identity

The critic under criticism.

Ensoniq Mirage

At last - the instrument with a name on everybody's lips receives an in-depth examination of its European version. Man-on-the-spot is Paul Wiffen.

Expand Ability

Two manufacturers follow their already established polysynths with keyboardless voice expanders. Trish McGrath puts the Chase Bit 01 and Siel Expander 80 through their paces.

Sequential Tom

Programmable digital drum machine

Following the Drumtraks in vocation and the MAX in appearance comes TOM, Sequential’s latest. Simon Trask finds out if reverse drum samples really do have a use.

Microskill AS32

All-digital Programmable Polysynth

A British-built additive synthesis instrument with multiple keyboard splitting and overlaying, and up to 16 voices at its command. A dream come true? Simon Trask has the answer.

Korg SDD2000

MIDI-controlled Sampling Delay

Korg’s latest digital delay looks like any other - but it offers comprehensive MIDI-controlled sound-sampling facilities. Tim Goodyer checks it out.

Electronic Percussion Checklist

This month’s Checklist turns its attention to the world of electronic drum kits and drum machines. Price guides will never be the same again.

This article has no OCR bodytext.Out-Takes
Music Review

Record reviews, readers’ tapes, gig and video reviews - they’re all here as E&MM’s new music feature expands its critical horizons.

Take Two

Moraz and Bruford Embrace the New | Patrick Moraz, Bill Bruford

Patrick Moraz and Bill Bruford, two of music’s best-established virtuoso players, talk about their two-year relationship and a new LP. Interview by Dan Goldstein.

Improbability Factor: 42

Level 42

Level 42 keyboardsman Mike Lindup takes a break from recording of the next album to talk to Tim Goodyer about Fairlights and Synclaviers, among other things.

Divine Production

Zeus B Held

German producer Zeus B Held - the man behind the name - shares sampling secrets and delaying tactics with Tim Goodyer.

Fair Facts
Show Report

A sneak preview of what you can expect to see at this year’s British Music Fair - the first to open its doors to the public for years.


...of an English kit builder.

An insight into the problems and pleasures of constructing electronic music kits - by Godric Wilkie, who’s built hundreds.

Patchwork Downloads

The readers’ synth sound page. This month, ever more resourceful patches for the Yamaha DX7 and Roland Jupiter 8 polysynths.

Back to Basics Part 7

Steve Howell puts sex, murder and intrigue to one side to make way for a study of modulation in its many and various forms.

Article Group:
Computer Musician


Hyped up about hype. David Ellis challenges hi-tech advertising.


Featuring sequencer software for the IBM PC from Octave Plateau, Sight & Sound’s Music Processor software for the CBM64 and a music-copying program in use at Oxford University’s Music Faculty.

Atari 520ST

16-bit Home Computer

Not just another home computer; more like the future of the entire domestic micro industry, not to mention the MIDI software one. Simon Trask has the details.

The Art of Going Soft Part 3

The Music 500 receives an AMPLE voicing and sequencing program to tempt junior programmers into getting their feet wet.

Passport MIDI/4 Plus and MIDI/8 Plus

Software for Apple II and Commodore 64

Sequencing software aimed at the Apple II and CBM64. Four- and eight-track versions receive expert scrutiny from David Ellis.

Hinton MIDIC

MIDI Hardware and Software for RS232 Interface Standard

A MIDI utility hardware and software package for any RS232-equipped micro. Review by Simon Trask, who’s thinking of having RS232 fitted to himself.

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Latest news from E&MM’s own music software division.

Electronics & Music Maker - Music Maker Publications (UK), Future Publishing.


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