Sound International - October 1978
Studios & RecordingFor there is good news yet to hear and fine things to be seen, before we go to Paradise by way of page thirteen. |
StockhausenA rare interview with the noted composer and lecturer in the month of his 50th birthday. |
BooksEddie Cochran-White dispels those post-summertime blues with some cherished memories of recent good reads. |
Music Part 5Feature Introducing The Dots...Would-be nuclear physicist Dave Stewart conjures up a few tunes for your wretched banjos and accordions. What a waste. |
Ralph Denyer gets gizmological with Kevin 'n' L | Godley & CremeInitially, the consequences of RD's actions could be Kevin or L — there'LL be L to K. (2 down). |
Visual Reports & ViewsHipgnosis collection is no walking antique: gosh I spin Magritte-like-are you hip enough to gnosis? (anag). |
Pin back yer lug'oles, pen an' paper at the ready, and maybe you'll win a 4-track mini-studio. All non-entrants win guaranteed death from envy. |
The Producers | Jeff WayneWe wish Wayne's Wells world war well: Richard 'Way With The Words' Elen interviews Jeff 'War Of The Worlds' Wayne. |
Peter ZinovieffNigel Jopson fields Zinovieff's rotten eggs. |
ADT BOXESDave Blake has an Attack of Delirium Tremolando. |
The bass was made in England of true Electric Wood... Steve York investigates. |
DrumsRamblin' Pete Randall gives the rundown on Synare 3, Tama Octobans and Pearl stands. |
KeyboardsSI in association with Dave Crombie Productions Inc present The Moog Story, starring Robert A Moog... |
Thrill to dynamic flanging as Dave Hastilow peruses the Micmix Dynaflanger |
Watch emotion flower as Pete Carbines spends a honeymoon with Aiwa (AD6800) and contemplates settling down to a deepening relationship. Makes Love Story look like Camp On Blood Island. |
Mostly vinyl and paper media this month — eclecticism runs amok again. |