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Sound On Sound - August 1987


The Shape of Things to Come

This month's round-up includes new products launched at the APRS and NAMM shows.

Klaus Schulze

Klaus Schulze

The legendary German synthesist speaks out about technology and technique in this exclusive interview - his first in four years!

MIDI Matters Part 1

Back To Basics

Jay Chapman takes a side step from his regular foray into MIDI and presents this 'back to basics' article especially for the many new readers who have picked up on the series since it first began.


Programmable Automation Computer

New writer Roger Jackson reveals how this mid-priced programmable automation computer can be used to automate mixes on any manufacturer's mixing desk.

Elka ER33

The 'Alternative' FM Expander

Ian Gilby looks around for an 'alternative' multitimbral FM expander and uncovers a wealth of features hidden inside Elka's versatile 19" rack-mounting companion to the underrated EK44 polysynth - the ER33.

Korg SQ8 Sequencer

Is it an electronic tuner? Is it a portable metronome? No, it's the world's smallest 8-track MIDI sequencer. Mark Jenkins explores its inner workings and draws his conclusions.

Super Conductor

If you are used to paying £200 plus for good quality MIDI software for your Atari ST then you are going to be awfully surprised at how good Microdeal's sequencing package is for only £49.95. Ian Waugh was! Read his review...

This article has no OCR bodytext.WIN Ensoniq ESQ-1

Read any good detective stories lately? Follow the clues to this competition at the BMF and you could be the proud owner of a much sought-after Ensoniq ESQ-1 multitimbral polysynth with onboard 8-track MIDI sequencer. Full details and entry form on page 42.

The Magic of Daniel Lanois Part 1

Mark Prendergast interviews this French-Canadian engineer/producer about his long-standing production partnership with Brian Eno and his recent involvement with Peter Gabriel and U2.

It's Cee Zee Part 2

Part Two of our two-part Programmer's Guide To The Casio CZ range of synthesizers catches Phil South explaining the nuts and bolts of sound modification, with tips and hints on how to approach the creation of your own PD sounds.

Soundbits Voice Master

Software for the Atari ST

If you own an Atari ST computer and either a Yamaha DX100, 21 or 27, then you should be interested in what David Hughes has to say about this low-cost librarian/editor software from Syndromic Music.

Akai MG1214

No, this is not the rack-mounting version - it's a robust 14-track (at a push) multitrack recorder/mixer and computer-controlled patchbay rolled into one. Find out whether or not studio engineer Gareth Stuart reckons it could be a viable alternative to traditional reel-to-reel 16-track systems...

Of Men and Mice

The world of music is being invaded by computers whether you like it or not. So what can they offer the musician? Mark Badger takes a sideways glance at the development and application of this burgeoning new technology.

Tantek Master Matrix

It may sound like something out of a Dr Who plot but this British electronic patchbay system attracted enormous interest from pro studio users at this year's APRS show. David Mellor got hold of a Matrix to find out just what all the fuss is about.

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Sound On Sound - SOS Publications Ltd.
The contents of this magazine are re-published here with the kind permission of SOS Publications Ltd.


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