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Electronics & Music Maker - November 1982

Patrick Moraz

Patrick Moraz

The first of our articles with this principal multikeyboard player gives you his background as a solo performer as well as his work with Yes and The Moody Blues.

'Adagio For a Hostage' by Patrick Moraz

Electro-Music Transcription | Patrick Moraz

This is probably the only published piece for panpipes and synthesisers that you'll come across!

Industry Profile

Mobile One

A spotlight on Europe's largest mobile studio and its home base in London.

Micro Music

ZX Spectrum Synth Controller

Article Group:
Minisynth Supplement

Bill Nelson

Bill Nelson

An innovative multi-instrumentalist both in and out of the studio, from Be-Bop Deluxe to 'The Love that Whirls'.

Electro-Music Engineer Part 1

Tuning Up — A Review of VCO Calibration Methods

Fact File

John Walters, Tom Bailey and Frank Tovey

History of Electronic Music Part 8

European electronic music including Tangerine Dream, Kraftwerk and Giorgio Moroder.

The European Scene

Guide to Electronic Music Techniques Part 2

Synth Performance Controls

Making Notes Part 9

Modulation, Intros and Passing Notes

Alligator AT150 Amplifier

KGB Speaker Cabinet

Home Electro-Musician

Paul Nagle

This article has no OCR bodytext.Record Reviews
Music Review

Concert Reviews
Music Review

King Crimson, Klaus Schulze

Reports on recent appearances by two widely revered names in electro-music, Klaus Schulze and King Crimson.

This article has no OCR bodytext.Cassette Review
Music Review

Sweep Equaliser

A variable 2 band Equaliser with an exceptional ±30dB range that will transform cymbals, remove hums, improve vocals and clean up your instruments!

Amdek Chorus Kit

The second of a series of new style kit projects that enable musicians to build and customise effects units with the minimum of technical difficulty

ElectroMix 842 Part 2

The second and final part of our superb professional quality studio mixer project

Lecture Report

A Young Person's Guide To Electronic Music | Robert Moog

The father of the voltage controlled synthesiser lectures in London, and E&MM reports.

Electronics & Music Maker - Music Maker Publications (UK), Future Publishing.


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