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Electronics & Music Maker - July 1984


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Korg PSS50 Programmable Super Section

A novel 'backing band in a box' comes under Paul White's critical gaze.

Nine Times out of Ten

A User Report on the Yamaha DX9

Almost entirely overshadowed by its immensely popular elder brother, the DX9 deserves a better deal. Or at least that's what Steve Howell claims in this special user report.

Autographies Microsound 64 Keyboard

Innovative UK manufacturers Autographies have come up with a music system that gives the synth player access to the Commodore 64 micro's SID chip. Mick Jones analyses its potential.

TED Digisound

Paul White takes a look at a new Dutch 'black box' that promises to bring digital percussion sampling within the reach of the common people.

TransAm Pearl Five Amplifier

From darkest Wales comes a powerful new PA mixer/amp that can also double as a sub-mixer for a bank of keyboards. Paul White has been using it for just that.

Ibanez DM1100 Digital Delay

Just when you thought all DDLs were the same, Ibanez come up with a budget model that still manages to incorporate a maximum delay time of over three-and-a-half seconds. Review by Paul White.

Yamaha Portasound MK100

Programmable Personal Keyboard

A personal keyboard that lets the musician think for himself, from the people who make more of them than anybody else. But is it really more than just a toy? Vince S. Hill thinks he knows the answer.

Spectrum MIDI

A special feature for owners of the oft-neglected Sinclair Spectrum. There's an update for E&MM's original MicroMIDI interface board, plus patch dump software for two MIDI Poly-synths, the SCI SixTrak and Yamaha DX7.

Synthesis on a Budget

The E&MM Buyers' Guide For Beginners

So you've saved your pennies and want to join the world of synthesisers, but don't know where to start looking? E&MM's buyers' guide shows you how.

Using Sequencers Part 3

Real-time Sequencing

Paul Wiffen gives some useful tips on how to record sequences in real time.

Mass Hysteria

Human League

The Human League are still one of the world's most successful synth bands, but their new album was a long time coming, and they've stuck guitars all over it. The League's Ian Burden explains why.

Steve Jolliffe: Life After Tangerine Dream

Steve Jolliffe

One of Tangerine Dream's founder members has recently stumbled back into the limelight courtesy of a fine first solo album. Dan Goldstein spoke to him about its construction.

Return of the Warrior

Jade Warrior

One of the seventies' most original instrumental bands, Jade Warrior almost ceased to exist four years ago. Now a new album and some rare live appearances look like reestablishing them for good. Interview by Dan Goldstein.

BeeBMIDI Part 2

The second part of our constructional article on building a MIDI interface for the BBC Model B home computer. There's a complete parts list and some more software to get your board up and running once you've built it.

Modular Synthesis Part 7

Vocal Effects

The sound of the human voice is one of the most difficult acoustic tones to reproduce electronically, but reading Steve Howell's step-by-step guide should set you on the right track.

Understanding the DX7 Part 4

The fourth part of Jay Chapman's guide to Yamaha FM. This month, he broaches the delicate subject of programming sounds from scratch.

This article has no OCR bodytext.On Record
Music Review


Readers send in their own synth sounds and details of how to programme them. Among the instruments featured this month are the Moog Source, the Roland SH101 and the same manufacturer's Juno 106.

Article Group:
Computer Musician


The ins and outs of copyright protection.


SMPTE codes for the home studio and yet more software for the Synclavier, among other things.

Jellinghaus Music Systems

MIDI Computer Interface and Software

German company Jellinghaus have been producing some interesting-looking MIDI software for some while. Now Rosetti are bringing it into the UK, and David Ellis has managed to get his hands on a few review samples.

Stagefright Part 1

In the first instalment of a two-part article, UK synthesist Ian Boddy gives budding EM performers the confidence and advice you need to take your show on the road.

Article Group:
Computer Musician

The Programmable Digital Sound Generator Part 3

Part 3: The Detailed Program Interface

Our analysis of the Programmable Digital Sound Generator enters its third phase. Your guide: Alan Boothman.

The RackPack

A versatile rack-mounting power supply unit is described by its designer, Paul White.

This article has no OCR bodytext.Projected Developments

A complete guide to all the PCBs and kits still available from E&MM.

Putting on the Style

Many home-built electronic music projects aren't done justice by their external appearance. Paul White provides some hints on how to make your latest kit look more stylish.

Electronics & Music Maker - Music Maker Publications (UK), Future Publishing.


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