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Electronics & Music Maker - February 1985

The Don't Knows

The case for education?

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A selection of opinions and queries from the E&MM postbag.

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If it's important and it's just happened, you'll find news of it here.

Great Expectations


A special preview of some of the new goodies that'll be on show at the Frankfurt Musik Messe - Europe's premier music fair - when it gets under way in the second week of February.

Roland JX8P and PG800

Touch-Sensitive Polysynth and Programmer

Criticised in the past for their poor implementation of MIDI, Roland have given their new mid-price polysynth the full works. It sounds good, too, as Paul Wiffen discovers in this exclusive review.

MPC Programmer 8

Computer-controlled Rhythm Sequencer

Some drum sequencer software that's as user-friendly as it's versatile. Paul White enthuses over MPC's latest little marvel.

Roland SBX80 Sync Box

If you've got a serious syncing problem, chances are the new Sync Box will be your best bet for a solution, as Paul White explains.

Korg KMS30

MIDI Synchroniser

And on a less spectacular scale, Korg introduce a synchroniser that won't break the bank, though it'll still crack a lot of problems, as Trish McGrath finds out.

Powerful Combinations Plus

Following on from last month's five-amp round-up, Paul White puts two more keyboard combos thoroughly through their paces. Do they make the grade?

Roland MSQ100

MIDI Digital Keyboard Recorder

There are still more computer-shy musicians around than many would have you believe, so for them, this dedicated MIDI sequencer could be just the ticket. Trish McGrath investigates.

Higher Education

Newcastle CAT School of Music

A personal view of the School of Music at the Newcastle College of Arts and Technology, by one of its students, Paul Evans.

Zoo 2000

Jean-Michel Jarre

Take one of the most influential electronic composers of the current generation, a Fairlight, an entire library of vocal recordings from all over the world, and a few more-than-talented guest musicians, and you have the recipe for Zoolook, Jean-Michel Jarre's latest album. Here he talks about its creation.

Making Music with Big Science

Laurie Anderson

There seems no end to the creativity of New York performance artist Laurie Anderson. In an exclusive interview, she talks about her music, her lyrics, and life as a 'Diva' for artist Jean-Michel Jarre.

The Outer Limits
Show Report

Exclusive reviews of two avant garde music festivals that saw technology pushed to its creative limits, Ars Electronica at Linz and the International Computer Music Conference at IRCAM, Paris.

Digisound Voice Card Part 1

Detailed notes on the design and construction of a complete synthesiser voice card you can build yourself, by the team that put it all together in the first place.

Everything But The Kitchen... Part 4

We conclude our series on synchronisation by looking at Time Code and its applications in the video and music industries. Film editor Richard Atherton is your guide.

Sight Reading


Geoff Twigg and Neville Unwin cast a critical eye over two books aimed at taking the mystery out of synthesisers, and come to vastly differing conclusions.


The readers' synth sound page. Almost a Yamaha takeover this month, with CS01, CS60 and DX7 models all featured, plus a token Roland.

Back to Basics Part 2

Continuing our series for the complete newcomer to electronics in music, Steve Howell takes a look at the VCO, the synthesiser's heartbeat.

Article Group:
Computer Musician

Computer Musician

Suffering Lack of Creativity - a Doctor writes.

Computer Musician - Rumblings...

A sound-sampling keyboard for £1800, and new software from Octave-Plateau, among other things.

Siel 16-track Live Sequencer

Software for Commodore 64 and Spectrum

He was unimpressed by the same company's step-time MIDI package, but how does Steve Howell rate its real time equivalent?

EMR MIDItrack Performer

Software for Sinclair Spectrum

John Harris and Shirley Gray dissect Electromusic Research's latest software package for the Sinclair Spectrum.

Electronics & Music Maker - Music Maker Publications (UK), Future Publishing.


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