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Search results

Commodore 64 - The Soft Way, The Hard Way, The MIDI Way

Feature | Topic: Computing | Electronic Soundmaker & Computer Music, Jul 1984
Floppy disks and tape, Microsound 64, SCI Model 64

Calculated Risk?

Review | Electronic Soundmaker & Computer Music, Nov 1984

MusiCalc Software. The best software yet for the Commodore 64?

Music Maker

Group: Computer Musician

Review | Electronics & Music Maker, Dec 1984
Software Surplus

Writing new music software seems to be the most popular current preoccupation for the world's music and computer industries. We take a look at six of the latest packages to hit the UK.

BBC News

Review | Electronic Soundmaker & Computer Music, Jan 1985
Organ Master/Island Logic

An add-on sound board, and a comprehensive disc-based music system for the Beeb micro.

Digital Dynamite

Review | Electronic Soundmaker & Computer Music, Jan 1985

The CZ101 is the spearhead of Casio's first serious onslaught on the pro-synth market. We check out this contender for the DX's digital synthesis crown.

The Starting Block

Review | Electronic Soundmaker & Computer Music, Feb 1985
Datel Sound Sampler

Datel's Spectrum-compatible Sound Sampler offers a genuine introduction to the techniques of sound sampling. We listen in.

The MAX Factor

Review | Electronic Soundmaker & Computer Music, Feb 1985

A multitracking keyboard for the computer musician.

One In A Million

Review | Electronic Soundmaker & Computer Music, Feb 1985
Millioniser 2000

The Millioniser 2000, a synth harmonica that may sound as odd as it looks.

Oh My Darling 49

Review | Electronic Soundmaker & Computer Music, Mar 1985

Will there be a rush to purchase Siel's new CMK 49 computer gizmo? We pass judgement.

Acorn 500

Review | One Two Testing, Apr 1985

better noises for the BBC

Beeb Boogie

Review | Electronic Soundmaker & Computer Music, Apr 1985
Music Maker

With a package designed to get the most from the micro's own sound chip.

Micon's No-Con

Review | Electronic Soundmaker & Computer Music, Apr 1985

Yet another MIDI system controller package, this time for the Spectrum, and already finding favour with musicians.

Floppy Futures

Review | Electronic Soundmaker & Computer Music, May 1985

Compusonics digital home recording system should be with us by the end of the year. This is a first report on a system that could be the death knell of the portastudio.

The Logical Song

Review | Electronic Soundmaker & Computer Music, Jun 1985

The Music System - now for the Commodore 64.

Soft Centres

Review | Electronic Soundmaker & Computer Music, Jun 1985

Sequential's new package and ATPL's keyboard for the BBC micro.

The Work Ethic

Review | Electronic Soundmaker & Computer Music, Aug 1985
Music Works software (Apple Macintosh)

Music software for the Macintosh

Passport Required?

Review | Electronic Soundmaker & Computer Music, Aug 1985
Passport MIDI/4, Polywriter

Two new software packages

Casio SZ1 MIDI Sequencer

Review | International Musician & Recording World, Nov 1985

Casio get further into the pro market, Chris Jenkins gets into their newie

Casio SZ-1 Sequencer

Review | Sound On Sound, Nov 1985
The Next Logical Step

This 4 track MIDI sequencer is a step in the right direction for Casio but have the budget restrictions limited its appeal?

The Proof of the Pudding

Interview | International Musician & Recording World, Dec 1985

Pinning Down Blancmange. Chris Jenkins attempts the implausible and gets his just dessert

Amiga Preview

Group: Hard Facts, Soft Options

Review | Electronics & Music Maker, Jan 1986

Chris Jenkins and Simon Trask examine the musical implications of Commodore’s 16-bit monster computer. Will it be simply a haven for the gamesters and the accountants, or will it find a place on the shelves of music shops?

MoPro Atari 520ST MIDI Software

Review | Electronics & Music Maker, Apr 1986

Chris Jenkins gets to grips with the first multitrack MIDI recording package for Atari's hi-spec, hi-tech home computer. Does it deliver the goods?

The New Generation

Review | Electronics & Music Maker, May 1986
Commodore Music System

If you're a computer manufacturer and you've got excess stocks to sell, you switch the emphasis to music. That's what Commodore have done, as Chris Jenkins reports.

Mixdown Amiga Software

Review | Electronics & Music Maker, Jul 1986
Software for the Amiga

A British company have a comprehensive sampling package for Commodore's Amiga. Does it set a standard against which subsequent Amiga software will be judged? Chris Jenkins finds out.

Big Brother

Review | Sound On Sound, Oct 1986
Casio CZ-1

Since the release of their diminutive yet ground-breaking CZ-101 synth, Casio have been steadily improving the facilities of their Phase Distortion keyboards with each subsequent CZ product. The culmination of those efforts is now manifest in their best-ever synthesizer, the CZ-1, a truly professional performance instrument. Chris Jenkins says 'welcome'.



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