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Akai S950Review | Home & Studio Recording, Mar 1989The successor to Akai's industry standard S900 hits the streets. | |||
Akai S950 Digital SamplerReview | Music Technology, Jan 1989As musicians demand ever more from their samplers, Akai replace the studio-standard S900 with an enhanced machine. Vic Lennard samples the march of progress. | |||
The Great DivideEditorial | Music Technology, Oct 1990It's a sad fact that keyboard players have always had to pay more for the privilege than their guitar or drum playing associates. Tim Goodyer asks what can technology do to redress the imbalance? | |||
Money WhoresEditorial | Music Technology, Mar 1991The copyright arguments surrounding sampling continue, but artistic issues are steadily being eclipsed by financial ones. Tim Goodyer goes toe-to-toe with The Wall Street Journal. | |||
The Small Print - Part 2Feature Series | Topic: MIDI | Music Technology, Jun 1989Reading MIDI Implementation ChartsIn spite of MIDI's promise of compatibility between hi-tech musical equipment, few of us have found this to be the case. Vic Lennard takes his second look at MIDI Implementation charts and how they can solve your MIDI problems. | |||
Toys R UsInterview | Music Technology, Aug 1993The techno punk duo on U2, sampling theft, virtual reality, CDI, and getting the machines to rock. | |||
Waxing LyricalInterview | Music Technology, Sep 1991When you come across a hi-tech band who won't even use commercial synths for fear of being imitated, they must have something special to protect. Simon Trask pays a visit to Leeds to check out the mysterious Nightmares on Wax. | |||
Masterbits Vocal Sample CDReview | Sound On Sound, Sep 1990Despite the technological revolution that has changed the way almost everything else in music is produced, you still need a singer to record vocals — or do you? David Hughes looks at a sample CD that opens the door to a new way of laying down backing vocals. | |||
Shape of Things to ComeNews | Sound On Sound, Nov 1988A look at some forthcoming products from the world of hi-tech music and recording. | |||
dbx SNR1Review | Music Technology, Jun 1989Noise Reduction SystemThere are more sources of noise in a studio than recording tape -and a noise reduction unit ought to be able to cope with all of it, right? Vic Lennard thinks he's found one that does. | |||
DJ TechnologyInterview | Music Technology, Jun 1989Winning the '89 Technics World DJ Mixing Championship has allowed Cutmaster Swift to plough the prize money into his studio. Simon Trask talks samples and scratches with the Champion. | |||
Masterbits Sample CD CollectionReview | Sound On Sound, Jul 1990David Hughes lends an ear to three well-priced CDs full of synthesizer and drum machine samples. | |||
Strange ChangesInterview | Music Technology, Dec 1991MT fans and stars of the underground rave scene, Bizarre Inc regularly party down with high technology. Simon Trask meets the men and discusses hardcore issues. | |||
The Small Print - Part 1Feature Series | Topic: MIDI | Music Technology, May 1989Reading MIDI Implementation ChartsIf you regard MIDI Implementation charts as being indecipherable tables of numbers, you could be ignoring an easy way of solving your MIDI problems. Vic Lennard opens a series of articles on how to read the small print. | |||
Age of ChanceInterview | Music Technology, Jun 1990Abandoning guitars for samplers, Skin became Fluke and discovered new artistic freedom. Simon Trask listens to the man/machine argument from people who've learned both sides of it. | |||
Casio FZ20MReview | Music Technology, Mar 1990Digital SamplerWith two-minutes of sample time, Casio's FZ20M would seem to be an instant contender for any serious sampler's shortlist - but size isn't always everything, as Vic Lennard discovers. | |||
Delaying TacticsFeature | Topic: MIDI | Music Technology, Aug 1992MIDI/Audio DelaysMT's Charter for those suffering delays on the MIDI line. | |||
Microdeal Replay ProfessionalReview | Music Technology, Apr 1990Atari ST SamplerTurning your ST into a sampler is one way of getting into sampling on the cheap. Ian Waugh sounds out an improved version of Microdeal's successful Replay sampler. | |||
The Rhythm MethodInterview | Music Technology, Jan 1992From the Midlands' techno culture comes the hardcore sound of Rhythmatic. Simon Trask investigates one of the bands on the ground floor of Britain's fastest-growing musical movement. | |||
Dial 0274 For BassInterview | Music Technology, Feb 1991Having helped to create Britain's Northern techno scene, Unique 3 claim it doesn't actually exist. Simon Trask listens to this and other enigmas from one of the country's most creative dance outfits. | |||
Voodoo ChileInterview | Music Technology, Apr 1990You can't discuss the Manchester dance movement without A Guy Called Gerald. Simon Trask talks success and setbacks to one of Britain's most influential young artists. | |||
Copyrights & Wrongs - Part 2Feature Series | Topic: Copyright, Sampling | Music Technology, Nov 1992Ignore them at your peril! | |||
Pushing The BeatInterview | Music Technology, Dec 1990Once he prayed to the beat behind Re-flex, he's since become versed in high technology and worked with artists as diverse as Kate Bush and Mory Kante. Ollie Crooke talks to a rhythm programmer extraordinaire. | |||
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