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Linn Sequencer

Review | One Two Testing, Jan 1986

easy note doodling

All Change!

Review | Sound On Sound, Jan 1986
Linn Sequencer

From the creators of the first digital drum machine comes the world's most powerful MIDI controller - the new Linn Sequencer. Mark Jenkins believes it could well cause a lot of us to re-think the way we record.

Linn Sequencer

Review | International Musician & Recording World, Jan 1986

Wodger's latest offering takes the Paul Fishman test

Recording Without Tape

Review | Electronics & Music Maker, Mar 1986
Linn Sequencer Jr

The sequencing half of the Linn 9000 gets a once-over from Paul Wiffen, who concludes it's far from being a replacement for the tape recorder.

Roland MC500 MicroComposer

Review | Sound On Sound, Aug 1986

This long-awaited successor to Roland's evergreen MSQ700 sequencer offers increased song and note capacity, 'microscopic' editing of every single MIDI command and stores both music and rhythm tracks to 3.5 inch disks. Mark Jenkins fills in the details.

The Shape Of Things To Come

News | Sound On Sound, Feb 1988

Our colourful glimpse of forthcoming and recently released new products from the hi-tech and recording fields.

Time For SMPTE - Part 2

Feature Series | Sound On Sound, Dec 1985

Kendall Wrightson rounds off his introduction to SMPTE with a look at its application in modern music production as exemplified by a synchronisation unit - the Friend Chip SRC.

Man Made Music

Interview | International Musician & Recording World, Sep 1986

Pete Gleadall runs up a transatlantic phone bill waiting for hip-hop whizzkid Mantronik to finish his hamburger and explain why the TR808 is still his favourite drum machine.

West Coast Story

Show Report | Music Technology, Mar 1987
Winter NAMM 1987

Our spectacular show coverage starts here, with masses of information - backed up by colour photographs - on the biggest Winter NAMM show there's ever been...


Show Report | One Two Testing, May 1986
Frankfurt 86

The Frankfurt show seen from a diagonal position



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