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Studio Scene

Group: Computer Musician

Feature | Topic: Computing, Education, Recording Studios | Electronics & Music Maker, Feb 1984
University of Surrey Electro-Acoustic Music Studio

A look at the Surrey Sound electronic and computer music studio, scene of the Tonmeister degree course.

Studio Scene

Group: Computer Musician

Feature | Topic: Education, Recording Studios | Electronics & Music Maker, Sep 1983
Goldsmiths College Electronic Music Studio

Studio Tokyo

Feature | Topic: Recording Studios | Sound On Sound, Dec 1986

You'll be hard pushed to find a UK studio that isn't choc-a-bloc with Japanese studio equipment, but have you ever wondered what they use? David Mellor takes a slow boat that bypasses China, and visits two Tokyo studios to find out.

Greetings, Computer Musicians!

Group: Computer Musician

Editorial | Topic: Computing | Electronics & Music Maker, Sep 1983


Feature | Electronics & Music Maker, Jun 1981

Home Recording With Digital - Part 1

Feature Series | Topic: Digital Audio, Recording | Home & Studio Recording, Dec 1983
Sony PCM F1

Introducing the Sony PCM F1 recorder.

60 Years Of Abbey Road

Feature | Topic: Recording Studios | Sound On Sound, Jan 1992

Richard Buskin looks back at the illustrious past of the world's most famous studio and discovers why Abbey Road has remained a front-runner for so long.

Setting The Record Straight

Interview | Sound On Sound, Jun 1987

Why has this top record producer - the man behind Culture Club's phenomenal success on vinyl - given up using the Fairlight in favour of a Steinberg Pro-24 system? Why is he so upset about the myths that surround digital recording? Ralph Denyer went along to Levine's new studio to find out...

Dutch Treat

Feature | Topic: Recording Studios | Micro Music, Jan 1990

Phil Brammer goes Euro with a look at the Recording scene in Amsterdam with some surprising results

Fostex R8 - The 8-Track Take-Away

Review | Sound On Sound, Jan 1989

In these space-conscious times, Fostex have developed a diminutive new 8-track tape recorder you can store out of sight and control fully from its detachable front panel remote control/autolocator. David Mellor takes it for a spin...

Hands On: Yamaha SPX90

Feature | Topic: Effects Processing | Sound On Sound, Dec 1991

David Mellor offers advice to the studio newcomer on the original multi-effects unit.

The Producers

Interview | Sound International, Sep 1978

David Kershenbaum lets rip on his affection for rhythmic mixes in a natter with Our Dread.

Starship Trooper

Interview | Music Technology, Mar 1991

Back in the '60s it was Jefferson Airplane, then it was Jefferson Starship, then it was simply Starship. Brad Leigh Benjamin compares notes with the Synclavier king of one of rock's institutions.

That Was Then But This Is Now

Feature | Topic: History / Culture | International Musician & Recording World, Jan 1985

How it was done in the heyday of Pop - Philip Bashe tracked down the bands your dad snogged along to and found out the history of the '60s hits



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