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Search results

That Syncing Feeling - Part 1

Feature Series | Topic: MIDI, Syncronisation | Micro Music, Jun/Jul 1989

Lock your sequencer to audio and video with a little help from Chris Smith's definitive guide

That Syncing Feeling - Part 2

Feature Series | Topic: Syncronisation | Micro Music, Aug/Sep 1989

Chris Smith continues his series on synchronisation

That Syncing Feeling - Part 4

Feature Series | Topic: Syncronisation | Micro Music, Feb 1990

Chris Smith continues his series on synchronisation

That Syncing Feeling - Part 3

Feature Series | Topic: MIDI, Syncronisation | Micro Music, Oct/Nov 1989

Chris Smith enlightens us on the subject of locking music to video


News | One Two Testing, Jun 1986

News on the newest

Midi By Example - Part 5

Feature Series | Topic: MIDI, Syncronisation | Music Technology, Jan 1993

That syncing feeling

The Porta Two has Landed

Review | Sound On Sound, Dec 1986
Tascam Porta Two

Gareth Stuart has been bouncing, syncing and generally laying down tracks with Tascam's new mid-priced 4-track Ministudio. Find out what he thought of it.

Digidesign's Q-Sheet

Review | Music Technology, Jan 1988
Software for the Apple Macintosh

Following the procession of MIDI sequence packages that have appeared for the Atari ST comes a program designed specifically for the musician fitting music to videotape or film. Chris Many gets that syncing feeling.


Review | Sound On Sound, Jun 1993
PC Hard Disk Recording System

It's British designed and built, but is it the best?

I Sync Therefore I Am

Review | Sound On Sound, May 1992
Micon Audio LMTC Synchroniser

Micon Audio's LMTC Processor Controller Synchroniser does for owners of Tascam multitracks what the MTC1 did for Fostex users: integrates multitrack recorder control into the sequencer environment. Dave Lockwood gets that syncing feeling once more.



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