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System Exclusive

Review | Electronics & Music Maker, Oct 1985
Music System Software

A software package for the CBM64 sets out to utilise the SID chip but involves MIDI along the way. Simon Trask investigates the consequences, now that Island Logic have given way to Firebird.

The Music System

Interview | Electronics & Music Maker, Mar 1986

The quiet man of systems music tells Simon Trask why his work is so often misunderstood - and why tomorrow's 'serious music' won't be possible without computers.

The Music System

Group: Computer Musician

Review | Electronics & Music Maker, Dec 1984
Software Surplus

Island Logic Music System

Review | One Two Testing, Dec 1984

software for a melodic BBC

Apple Music System Review

Review Audio | Electronics & Music Maker, May 1981

The Advanced Music System

Review | Sound On Sound, Jan 1986
Software for Commodore 64

The addition of a MIDI module allows this software package for the Commodore computer to control external synthesizers amongst other things. Ian Waugh reports.

Island Logic Music Software

Review | One Two Testing, Jun 1985

preview for the Commodore


Show Report | In Tune, Jul/Aug 1985
ITs guide to the British Music Fair.

The Affordable World of Computer Music

Feature | Topic: Computing | International Musician & Recording World, Feb 1986
The Musical Micro

More packages picked apart by Tony Mills

The Logical Song

Review | Electronic Soundmaker & Computer Music, Jun 1985

The Music System - now for the Commodore 64.

The Musical Micro

Feature | Topic: Computing | International Musician & Recording World, Oct 1985
Software For The 64

Hardware, software and evening wear for the 64

BBC News

Review | Electronic Soundmaker & Computer Music, Jan 1985
Organ Master/Island Logic

An add-on sound board, and a comprehensive disc-based music system for the Beeb micro.

News - Keyboards

News | In Tune, Dec 1984

The Musical Micro

Feature | Topic: Computing | International Musician & Recording World, Nov 1986
Of Mice And Micros

Tony Mills, micros which start with the letter 'A', and a lot of software

JMS Scorewriter

Review | Electronics & Music Maker, Jan 1986

A new software package for the Commodore 64 that puts step-time sequencing, recording and scorewriting in an elegant perspex box. Ian Waugh finds it transparently appealing.


Feature | Topic: Computing | Sound On Sound, Feb 1986

Ian Waugh makes a global search of the UK MIDI software scene and presents this roundup of what is available and from whom.

Sequencer Checklist

Feature | Topic: Buyer's Guide | Electronics & Music Maker, Apr 1986

Our unique buyers' guide lists dedicated sequencers, software packages and computer music systems. Nothing else comes close.

The Programmable Digital Sound Generator - Part 1

Group: Computer Musician

Feature Series | Topic: Computing, Electronics / Build | Electronics & Music Maker, May 1984

The first in a major series of articles describing the design, construction and applications of the Programmable Digital Sound Generator, a music hardware add-on for the BBC Model B. Introduction by Alan Boothman.


News | One Two Testing, Nov 1984
News from the front

the news for now


News | Electronics & Music Maker, Nov 1984

Upcoming electronic music products and events.

The Rhythm Section

Feature | Topic: Drum Programming | Micro Music, Apr/May 1989

Bill Collins' first of his regular looks at the special need of micro-based Rhymists

Computer Checklist

Feature | Topic: Buyer's Guide, Computing | Electronics & Music Maker, Dec 1985

The turn of sequencers, software packages and computer music systems to receive attention from E&MM’s unique price guide.

Software Special

Feature | Topic: Computing | International Musician & Recording World, Feb 1985

A roundup of all the available music software including Island Logic, Greengate and MusiCal.

The Ins and Outs of Digital Design

Group: Computer Musician

Feature | Topic: Design, Development & Manufacture, Electronics / Build, Synthesis & Sound Design | Electronics & Music Maker, Apr 1984

An in-depth investigation into the problems of digital filter design and their possible effects, plus a simple circuit for an ultra-powerful low-pass filter.



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