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Akai AX80 | |
Article from One Two Testing, December 1984 |
poly, MIDI, bar-graphs...
THIS IS the second time an Akai keyboard has fooled me.
The first occasion was in Frankfurt this February when said Japanese company, best known for their tape decks and hi-fi, jump-started the musical instrument bandwagon with a couple of leads from their recording expertise. They produced a self-contained, 12 channel mixer and cassette deck using purpose built, half inch Akai cassettes. Intriguing enough, but alongside was a five octave programmable polyphonic synth called the AX80 which at first glance looked hauntingly familiar.
The sleek black panel, simplicity of controls, extensive use of LCD displays not to mention the turquoise and lilac colour schemes smacked very strongly of a Yamaha DX7 copy. Had Akai sneaked in with an FM digital machine of their own creation, and were Yamaha finally to have a challenger in the algorithm field?
So arriveth the first fooling. The Akai AX80 was, in fact, an analogue device with two oscillators, a VCF, a couple of envelope generators and a parameter display system that made Oxford Street's Christmas lights look like two candles in a cupboard.
But essentially it was not too different in specification from keyboards already produced by Siel, Roland, Korg, etc. We caught the raft back to England and waited to hear from the local Akai representatives.
When the telephone call came in October, we were ready to be caught out again. Did the world really need another analogue synth when those inhabiting the globe were starting to sound depressingly similar? More to the point, did they need one at this price? It certainly wasn't cheap, and the trend for the last 12 months had been to squeeze down the price as far as possible — certainly below a grand and, if conceivable, below £500.
So I was prepared to mark Akai's homework with the word 'cribbed' pencilled in the margin, but at the last minute I put the HB back in the pocket. Fooled again.
It does manage to sound different — not all the time and not in all of its facilities, yet there is something at the heart of the Akai which sets it ever so slightly apart from the existing popular makes. There isn't the characteristic piano-like cleanness of a Roland, nor the bright, brassy behaviour of a Korg. Someone who'd had the Akai at his establishment for a while claimed it reminded him of a Prophet. Can't go along with that 100 per cent, but there is something of that extra thickness and slight unpredictability that lived in the fives... the feeling of things going on in the sound down there which you don't quite understand...
Still a lot of money, though, so let's see what you're getting for your £1400.
First point to make is the touch sensitive keyboard which can be directed to the VCF or the VCA and be made to transmit its info (to machines that can comprehend it) down the MIDI sockets at the rear — in, out and thru, which we take to be American for 'through'.
The parameter system of programming is by now well established. Each section of the synth has a code number that is called up using a row of light pressure-switches along the front panel. Thereafter its value can be altered. Some keyboards apply a calculator pad to dial in the appropriate numbers, the Akai, like the Yamaha, goes for individual buttons.
There is a bonus here which must add to the price and certainly contributes to the luxury. Not only is each parameter's value exhorted in a red LED display window, there are also blue/green LCD columns, closely allied to mixing desk meters, that sit above the call up button for each parameter under a smoked, plastic cover. They give you a direct visual indication of the values of all the parameters of a particular sound programme at once.
It's possible to alter those readings in no less than three ways. At the extreme left of the control panel is a large, smooth, black control knob which is for 'bulk' changes — a quick spin from left to right will take the figure in the DATA window from 0 to 99 in most applications (a good range considering many cheaper synths are limited to 32, 16 or even 8 steps to save on memory space).
To its right is a grey, oblong pressure panel labelled Edit Control which moves the value up or down by single increments... system two. Finally the call-up buttons themselves will change the values, again by one step each time you press them. This is a crafty manoeuvre since for the speediest fine tunings, you could put the Akai into Edit mode, press button 8 for detune to select that parameter, then punch it again another two or three times to detune the oscillators — instant change in sound without sending your fingers flying all over the front panel. (The catch in this technique is that the callup switches will only change the figures in one direction — that last chosen on the Edit Control tab.)
There are 32 additional grey patches running across the remaining three quarters of the front panel and these are the aforementioned call-up buttons, doubling as the memory selectors when the synth is not in Edit mode. In all there are 96 memory spaces — the first 32 of them are factory pre-sets which can be edited but not written over — the originals are locked in memory for good. The remaining 64 you can play about with as much as you like.
Lists of facilities never won any literary awards, but they do present a case for the machine's capabilities and the thoughts of its designers, so let's read out.
Oscillator one has a frequency range of 16, 8 and 4 foot, can be switched to ramp or square waveforms, or both, lets you set the pulse width depth and speed, turn on a sub oscillator (one octave down) and determine the final level.
Oscillator two offers a range of 16 foot to 2 foot in semi-tone steps and then allows you to detune it from osc-1 by approximately a quarter tone in each direction.
Ramp and square waveforms again, no sub oscillator this time but a cross mod option plus switches for envelope generator depth so the ADSR sections can swoop the pitch around.
The filter features cut-off, resonance, EG depth and key follow as standard, but joins the recent Rolands in appending a high pass filter. This is also where the button for the touch sensitive keyboard lives, marked key velocity, and again adjustable from 0 to 99.
In the final two sections Akai have had to cram the electronics a mite since there are three LFOs and three possible envelope generator configurations. The LFOs are directed to osc-1, osc-2, and VCF so each version is displayed separately so its values can be reprogrammed by the joint depth, speed, delay and waveform buttons (pulse, sawtooth, ramp and triangular). The envelope generators let you set the VCA's ADSR and the VCF's ADSR independently, or use one envelope generator to control both departments. Some budget polysynths only give you one anyway. The Akai supplies the option for both systems. A single ADSR is faster for setting up certain sounds. Finally we reach the key velocity button for the VCA plus the overall VCA level.
The Akai is equally as thorough in its back up functions. The sloped rear section is angled at less than 45 degrees down from the main panel so all the sockets are clearly on view. Among these are the output, headphone and sustain pedal jacks, a footswitch socket for stepping upwards through the programmes, and two extra jack sockets for cassette load and dump plus the infamous MIDIs. The AX80 can be made to send and receive on different MIDI channels which are selected using the MIDI switch on the panel, then choosing 1 to 16 from the call-up buttons.
Sliding along to the performance section we notice that the expected centre sprung pitch bend wheel is partnered by an oscillator or VCF mod wheel — but no sign of any portamento.
Akai AX80 - Programmable Polysynth
(EMM Dec 84)
Akai AX80 - Synthcheck
(IM Jan 85)
Browse category: Synthesizer > Akai
Review by Paul Colbert
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