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Article from Music Technology, May 1989

There are changes afoot in the Music Technology offices; people moving on and moving up means that MT's looking for new staff - could be we're looking for you.

THIS MONTH, BY way of a change from the usual witty, incisive, thought-provoking Editorial comment, let me tell you about a few changes that have been taking place behind the scenes of the world's longest-established and most popular hi-tech music magazine. There's no scandal, I'm afraid - no hasty resignations brought about by drugs busts, insider dealing or indiscretions regarding call girls (although it was a close thing with Chris Williams' new haircut). But the times are a-changing and there may be something in it for you. Now read on.

First of all, the time has come to bid farewell to staff writer David Bradwell. After spending less than a year on the MT staff, young Bradwell has become an agent of Goldstein. There's nothing Orwellian going on here, just ex-Music Technology editor Dan Goldstein moving on from MT's sister magazine Phaze One, leaving the editorship of that magazine up for grabs. Needless to say, the travelling Bradwell grabbed it with both hands. So it's time to wave a fond farewell (and we'd only just got him making tea on a regular basis). David, or "Spag" as he is known to his closest friends, was a little disappointed that he didn't receive an official editorial welcome when he arrived, so this is the official editorial au revoir. (Happy now, Spag?)

Now, this means MT is in need of a replacement staff writer - or, put another way, with Bradwell out of the way there's an opportunity for one of you reprobates to take his place. If you have an active interest in music, a working knowledge of hi-tech musical equipment and practices, and can string together a few words, we want to hear from you. A letter outlining your experience and interests - along with a few more mundane facts like your age, current occupation and whether you hold a current driving license - to the editorial address will ensure you of our closest attention.

Also on the subject of staff changes, Production Assistant Chris Williams (now there's a boy who can make tea) is also leaving the MT fold. Having previously divided his time between MT and its American counterpart, Chris is to devote himself fully to co-ordinating production of MT(US) and the American counterpart of another of MT's sister mags, Home & Studio Recording. Chris now finds himself sharing offiice space with Rose Rounseville, who has come over from the Music Maker offices in the States to join Chris in his chosen task. Having travelled some 6000 miles, Rose has discovered that she and Chris can converse in Swedish or Norwegian or something - I couldn't make any sense of it. Welcome Rose, all the same.

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Publisher: Music Technology - Music Maker Publications (UK), Future Publishing.

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Music Technology - May 1989

Editorial by Tim Goodyer

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