We can never, ever tell you where we got this one from. Not ever. Pain of death. A fiver? Okay, we ripped it off an ad for the Synth Axe in Guitar Player. See, we are just like you. Prepared to swipe a decent idea from anywhere. Allan Holdsworth is holding this lot of dots down in some finger racking position half way up the neck. Just because his hands are stretched further than an idea on a Sigue Sigue Sputnik record doesn't mean we all have to suffer. So we're simply suggesting the barre shape, and you can try it where it fits. Barre from the bottom E across, 2nd finger on A string, 3rd finger on B string and little finger on the top E. What is it? Er... it's a chord. Nice, eh?
Speaking of which, the printers managed to mislay a dot from last issue's chord of the month. The resulting collection was okay but a bit dull. The small diagram nearby is what should have happened.
<ref name="mz11427-chord-of-the-month">{{cite magazine|last=|first=|date=May 1987|title=Chord of the Month|page=33|url=https://www.muzines.co.uk/articles/chord-of-the-month/11427|magazine=Making Music|publisher=Track Record Publishing Ltd, Nexus Media Ltd.|location=United Kingdom|access-date=2025-02-11}}</ref>
{{cite magazine|last=|first=|date=May 1987|title=Chord of the Month|page=33|url=https://www.muzines.co.uk/articles/chord-of-the-month/11427|magazine=Making Music|publisher=Track Record Publishing Ltd, Nexus Media Ltd.|location=United Kingdom|access-date=2025-02-11}}
<ref name="mz11427-chord-of-the-month">{{cite magazine | last = | first = | date = May 1987 | title = Chord of the Month | page = 33 | url = https://www.muzines.co.uk/articles/chord-of-the-month/11427 | magazine = Making Music | publisher = Track Record Publishing Ltd, Nexus Media Ltd. | location = United Kingdom | access-date = 2025-02-11}}</ref>
{{cite magazine | last = | first = | date = May 1987 | title = Chord of the Month | page = 33 | url = https://www.muzines.co.uk/articles/chord-of-the-month/11427 | magazine = Making Music | publisher = Track Record Publishing Ltd, Nexus Media Ltd. | location = United Kingdom | access-date = 2025-02-11}}
This article also has Google/Highwire tags for citations.
mu:zines is the result of thousands of hours of effort, and will require many thousands more going forward to reach our goals of getting all this content online.