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Article from Electronics & Music Maker, June 1984

Casio MT800.

Micro Musical are soon to release their Microlink 2 system: this will allow users to link together two Casio keyboards with the Sinclair Spectrum computer. The software and interface board enable you to link the MT800 and PT80 Casio keyboards to provide a music system that features melody storage and replay commands. The computer graphics and menu-driven display make the composition of complex musical scores much easier and quicker, allowing synchronisation of melody, harmony and chords. Preset voices and auto-rhythm selection are also under software control, and the system is expected to be particularly popular in the music education field.

Information from Micro Musical Limited, (Contact Details).

T. Lavitz.

The long-awaited Hot Licks Synthesiser Tape is now available. This instructional course consists of six one-hour cassette tapes, recorded by T. Lavitz, an American keyboard player who has been nominated for no less than four Grammy Awards.

The Synthesiser Workshop deals with the following areas: producing lead sounds, using delay and reverb, pitch bending scales and modes, improvisation, arranging, and programming drum machines. A wide range of musical examples are also covered, and these include rock, country and jazz styles.

Further information may be obtained from Labtek International Limited, Music Products Division, (Contact Details).

E&MM is sad to announce the recent death of Charles Blakey. Well known to regular readers of the magazine through the articles he wrote on synthesisers and computer controlled music, Charles contributed on a regular basis to this and many other publications. Through his own company, Digisound, he produced a variety of synthesiser and electronic music-related kits that became well respected in the electronic music field.

Digisound would like to inform readers' that the company will continue to sell the existing range of established kits and will in fact be developing new kits in the near future. E&MM would like to send its condolences to Charles Blakey's family and wishes Digisound continued success in the future.

Readers interested in the full range of Digisound synthesiser kits should write to Digisound Ltd, (Contact Details).

British Music Strings, UK distributors of the Londoner amplification, have announced the following specifications for the new Londoner Amp. The L100AC is a 120 watt combination amplifier with two 12" speakers, built in reverb and a parametric equaliser.

The amp is divided into two sections. The Lead/Rhythm section features bright and normal jack input sockets, while the Bass/Organ section features bright and normal input jack sockets and rotary controls for volume and presence. Jack plug sockets are provided for connection to a slave amp and to external speakers. The cabinet is covered in black heavy-duty vinyl with chrome metal corners for protection.

Further details are available from British Music Strings, (Contact Details).

Don Larking Audio Sales' Over the Road Show will be held at Kensington Town Hall on June 13 to 15, to coincide with the 'official' APRS recording exhibition. Wednesday from 1.00pm to 6.00pm, Thursday and Friday 10.00am till late.

Admission is free, and E&MM will have a stand at the show, where back issues, PCBs, sweatshirts and T-shirts will be on sale, and of course many of our staff will be available to chat and answer your questions.

Exhibitors at the show will of course include Don Larking with an extensive range of equipment from Fostex, Soundcraft, Bel, Soundtracs and Trident, plus many others. Applied Microsystems will be demonstrating their range of digital tape recorder counters and autolocators, and also present at the show will be the Britannia Row 46-track video post-production suite; a full demonstration of their facilities will be given and visitors will be able to have a go at mixing a video tape themselves.

Finally, our sister magazines Home Studio Recording, and Guitarist will also be in attendance.

See you there!

Kensington Town Hall, Off Kensington High Street, London.

At last! The long awaited results of the E&MM readers' poll. Most of the categories produced a clear winner, with the Eurythmics featuring in several sections. The winners of each section are as follows.

Band of the Year Eurythmics
Solo Artist Howard Jones
Brightest Hope Ian Boddy
Keyboards Klaus Schulze
Guitar Stuart Adamson
Bass Tony Levin
Percussion Phil Collins
Vocals Annie Lennox
Songwriter Vince Clarke
Composer Jean-Michel Jarre
Album Touch (Eurythmics)
Single Mama (Genesis)
LP Cover Oil on Canvas (Japan)
Video Thriller (Michael Jackson)
Live Act Ultravox
Best new keyboard Yamaha DX7
Best new other item Roland MC202
Innovation of the year MIDI

E&MM hope to secure interviews with several of the winning artists from this year's poll, and so as not to disappoint readers who voted for artists that didn't win, we shall also be trying to feature some of the better runners-up.

Marshall (Products) Ltd., well known for their range of valve amplifiers, have recently received the Queens Award for Export. Marshall, who are based in Bletchley, Milton Keynes, have been manufacturing their famous amplifiers and speaker cabinets for some two decades.

Owners of any of the EMS range of synthesisers may be interested in the services offered by Brookside Electronics. Brookside provide a full repair and conversion service on all models of EMS synthesisers, and the type of work carried out includes the modification of oscillators for stable tuning and the addition of trigger inputs. Besides providing a comprehensive repair service, a custom-built electronic musical instrument service is also available.

Further information from Brookside Electronics, (Contact Details).

Previous Article in this issue

Readers' Letters

Next article in this issue

The Guitarist's Revenge

Publisher: Electronics & Music Maker - Music Maker Publications (UK), Future Publishing.

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Electronics & Music Maker - Jun 1984


Previous article in this issue:

> Readers' Letters

Next article in this issue:

> The Guitarist's Revenge

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