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Article from Electronic Soundmaker & Computer Music, April 1985 |
Click on the track titles to play, or use the player in the right-hand sidebar for a complete tracklisting, including ads.
An ESM sound exclusive — A remixed version of the track first featured on The Luxury Gap album.
A piece showcasing Frankie engineer Paul Gomersall's MCS-1 MIDI sampler.
Micon's software running an assortment of synths from a humble Spectrum.
Two innovative guitars put through their paces by our very own guitar hero.
The first demo spot this month features popsters Pears are Yellow, and weirdsters The Jazz Masters.
F-softs package for the BBC's sound chip and Curtis's violin patch for the DX7.
A taster of the Frankfurt sensation—samples and a short piece from the Mirage sampling synth.
© MCA Music Ltd
Electronic Skiffle-? Judge for yourself.
© Mick Jones
A smooth little number demonstrating the combined talents of Technic's SYDP 50 drum machine, Korg's new DW 6000 poly, and a SixTracs — all run from Joreth's Music Composer System for the CBM64.
Demo of the month, Teknik's hi-tech tune, Redemption City.
Yamaha's new poly.
Exclusive to ES&CM, behind-the-lines despatches from the technology front. Hear next year's sounds today!
© B Nelson.
And finally... an intriguing ditty from the idol of the independents himself. A savage gesture for charm's sake?
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Side A Tracklisting:
00:00 Intro 00:50 Lady Ice & Mr. Hex (Remix), Heaven 17 04:46 (Ad) Roland 04:51 (Ad) London/Bristol Rock Shop 05:18 Smelling Sweetly Of Sex, Paul Gomersall 09:48 (Ad) Boss 09:53 Systemise, Micon Spectrum Controller 12:34 The Axeman, Bond, Steinberger guitars 16:34 Wind Up: Pears Are Yellow 18:54 Wind UpL The Jazz Masters 22:18 (Ad) Roland 22:23 DX7 patch 22:40 Beeb Boogie: Music Maker Software 24:37 Just An Illusion, Mirage Sampling Synth
Side B Tracklisting:
00:00 (Ad) Yamaha PS6100 00:56 Six Bits Plus, Chakk 03:37 (Ad) Roland 03:42 Korg DW6000 04:49 Night Thoughts: SYD P50, DW6000 & Joreth Composer System 06:51 (Ad) Roland 06:57 Demo Of The Month: Teknik 09:29 Yamaha DX5 10:47 (Ad) Yamaha KX5 11:25 Frankfurt Report: The Sounds Of '85 23:47 Sex, Psyche etc, Bill Nelson
Audio recordings courtesy of Archive.org.
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