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Bill Bruford - Strike That Chord

Interview | Music Technology, Jun 1987

He was once the driving force behind Genesis, Yes and King Crimson, but now this brilliant percussionist has turned his attention to jazz - and new technology. Tim Goodyer talks to him.

Bill Bruford - Showing the Flag

Interview | Electronic Soundmaker, Aug 1985
Bruford & Moraz

Dissecting an unusual fusion

Bill Bruford - Bruford In Crimson

Interview | Music UK, Sep 1982

U.K.'s top drummer on skins v. synths

Bill Bruford - Take Two

Interview | Electronics & Music Maker, Jul 1985
Moraz and Bruford Embrace the New

Patrick Moraz and Bill Bruford, two of music’s best-established virtuoso players, talk about their two-year relationship and a new LP. Interview by Dan Goldstein.

Bill Bruford

Interview | One Two Testing, Feb 1985
This artist was mentioned in these interviews


Interview | Sound International, Jul 1978
The Rhythm Section

Harmony in the UK - John Wetton and Bill Bruford still rhythmic after all these years.

Patrick Moraz

Interview | Home & Studio Recording, Dec 1985

Having been involved with a bewildering number of projects in the past, Patrick Moraz and Graham Edge, keyboardist and drummer with The Moody Blues talk about their current work.

Robert Fripp

Interview | Sound On Sound, Mar 1988
A man continually in search of magic moments in the perfect quality of music.

He's played guitar with the best - David Bowie, Peter Gabriel, David Sylvian, Talking Heads, Brian Eno and, of course, King Crimson - and he's also worked away from the public eye, pursuing truths other than the rock and roll life. Mark Prendergast discovers that Robert Fripp's insights are of interest to more than just guitarists.

Miller Anderson / Dog Soldier

Interview | International Musician, Aug 1975

Steve Howe

Interview | International Musician, Nov 1975

How it is to be solo

Long time coming

Interview | The Mix, Dec 1994

Adam Mosley chats about producing The Plot Thickens

The Rhythm Section

Interview | Sound International, Sep 1978
Bowie's Dennis Davis and George Murray

Dennis Davis and George Murray chat to Ralph Denyer on their rhythmic station in the Bowie band.

The Rhythm Section

Interview | Sound International, Nov 1978
Bassist John Greaves & Drummer Pip Pyle

Is the National Health coughing up blood? Tony Bacon gets to grips with the current state of the queues and cures. Music for liver salts. The Greaves-Pyle team of whitecoats gives a semi-exclusive interview to a private patient.

Allan Holdsworth

Interview | Music UK, Nov 1983

Allan Holdsworth - Life in the New World

To Be Frank

Interview | International Musician, Dec 1985

Chronicles of a moustachioed maestro. Philip Bashe reporting.

The Rhythm Section

Interview | Sound International, Jan 1979

Tony Bacon longs to talk to some Rich Kids' ghost, but ends up with the decidedly solid Rusty Egan and Glen Matlock.

Perfect Gentleman

Interview | One Two Testing, Sep 1986

A gentleman and a scholar

Dave Stewart - Busy Doing Nothing?

Interview | Sound On Sound, May 1986

Renowned best for his keyboard/synth excursions in the jazz-rock field, Dave and partner Barbara Gaskin achieved several chart hits with re-workings of classic pop songs like 'It's My Party' back in 1982. Together they are presently completing their first album for release on compact disc. David Etheridge took a look behind the scenes.

David Torn - In Praise Of Music

Interview | Music Technology, Jul 1988

Q: When is a guitar not a guitar? A: When it's part of David Sylvian's music. Taking time out from a hectic schedule David Torn talks guitar textures and musical crossovers with Tim "pretentious, moi?" Goodyer.

David Torn - The Struggle For Freedom

Interview | Music Technology, Jul 1987

Not quite a household name, but an American jazz fusion guitarist whose attitude to improvisation and performing with new technology is starting a quiet revolution. Dan Goldstein gets the lowdown.

Django Bates - Django Live

Interview | Electronics & Music Maker, Oct 1986

...Is one of Britain's most inventive jazz keyboard players, with a myriad of different strings to his performing bow, and an unusually open-minded approach to new technology. Simon Trask listens to what he has to say.

Kajagoogoo - Kaja Who's-Who

Interview Audio | One Two Testing, Nov 1983

Is there life after Limahl? Yup. The four shy boys take turns to explain how they do it, and what they do it on.

Larry Heard - Touching Bass

Interview | Music Technology, May 1992

As Mr Fingers and Fingers Inc, Chicago-based Larry Heard was instrumental in creating the house music movement. Simon Trask talks tech with him on the release of his first LP on a major label.

Mark Isham - Blowing Technology's Horn

Interview | Sound On Sound, Nov 1988

Mark Prendergast talks with trumpeter, composer, and synthesist Mark Isham about new technology, David Sylvian, Van Morrison, Windham Hill, and his solo career as one of Hollywood's more interesting film soundtrack composers.

Martin Rex - The Mechanic

Interview | Music Technology, Jul 1990

In engineering and production - as in musicianship - flexibility and adaptability are precious qualities. Martin Rex has covered artists as varied as Neneh Cherry, Fela Kuti and Michael Nyman - Ollie Crooke listens.



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