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Interview | Sound On Sound, Oct 1991
Feel Every Beat

Are Electronic, mutant offspring of New Order, The Smiths and the Pet Shop Boys, the first electro-supergroup? Does it matter? Mark J. Prendergast ignores the hype, sidesteps trivial speculation, and talks technical to Bernard Sumner.

This artist was mentioned in these interviews

Ultravox - Ultravox

Interview Audio | Electronics & Music Maker, Apr 1981

Hubert Bognermayr

Interview | Electronics & Music Maker, Aug 1983

Founder of Ars Electronica, this Austrian composer talks about his work on 'Erdenklang' and his own approach to the Fairlight CMI

Ian Boddy - Ian Boddy: Phoenix

Interview | Sound On Sound, Dec 1986

The story of how one of this country's lesser-known synthesists took the bold step of forming his own record label to independently release his fourth album 'Phoenix'. Paul Gilby documents the process.

Tim Souster - Tim Souster - Electronic Music Composer

Interview Audio | Electronics & Music Maker, May 1981

Tech Talk

Interview | Topic: Design, Development & Manufacture | Electronics & Music Maker, Jun 1985

Dave Simmons, the man behind the name on the hexagonal pad, holds forth on the past, present and future of electronic percussion. Paul White listens.

Jean-Michel Jarre - The Concerts In China

Interview | Electronics & Music Maker, Jun 1982

An exclusive interview with this most popular French electronic music composer that traces his background history from his early influences to his latest epic performances in China.

Klaus Schulze

Interview | Sound On Sound, Feb 1993
European Son

Ed Williams - The Old School

Interview | Music Technology, Oct 1989

Someone whose career in music began before the invention of the tape recorder will have witnessed a revolution in music technology. Peter Ridsdale shares the experiences of a man who has spent a lifetime composing for pictures.

David Vorhaus - History of the Future

Interview | Electronics & Music Maker, Sep 1986
Kaleidophon Studios

Simon Trask travels to North London to visit one of Britain's longest-established synth studios, and to talk to its creator, electronic composer David Vorhaus.

Philip Glass

Interview | Sound On Sound, Nov 1991
The Making Of A New Music Supremo

Philip Glass is the best known, and certainly the best paid, contemporary new music composer. In London for performances of his music for the films Koyaanisqatsi and Powaqqatsi, he talked to Mark J. Prendergast.

Warp Factor 8

Interview | Music Technology, Nov 1993

Rotterdam's master of electronic listening music talks to Simon Trask about presets, sampling, hardcore rave, Warp Records, and the value of spontaneity...

Beyond The Infinite

Interview | Sound On Sound, Jun 1990

Inventor of the 'infinite guitar', this Canadian born player's haunting multi-layered guitar parts have graced the works of such luminaries as Brian Eno, Jon Hassell, U2's Edge, and Daniel Lanois, though Michael Brook's own music has yet to receive the recognition it deserves. Mark J. Prendergast reports.

Michael Shrieve - The State Of The Beat

Interview | Music Technology, Sep 1988

From providing the backbone of Santana's Latin beat, Michael Shrieve has moved into electronic percussion and out again. John Diliberto listens to the drummer's tale.

Stockhausen - Taking Stock

Interview | Electronic Soundmaker, May 1985

An exclusive interview with the innovator of electronic music and mentor of today's stars, Karlheinz Stockhausen.

Kraftwerk - Kraftwerk Revealed

Interview | Electronics & Music Maker, Sep 1981
An interview with Ralf Hutter

Michael Brook - Infinite World

Interview | Music Technology, Oct 1992

By a babbling Brook

Propaganda - The Ministry Of Propaganda

Interview | Music Technology, Jul 1990

In 1985 Propaganda produced a seminal electronic music album - then they vanished. Five years on they've returned to pick up where they left off. Michael Mertens talks to Tim Goodyer about technology and the German tradition.

Simon Jeffes - Pick Up A Penguin

Interview | Electronic Soundmaker, Mar 1985

Simon Jeffes, leader of the Penguin Cafe Orchestra, loves acoustic why are we talking to him? Because we think he's got some pretty sound theories...

Arthur Brown

Interview | Electronics & Music Maker, Jun 1983

Vocals and electronic music in unique combination

Ian Boddy

Interview | Sound On Sound, Nov 1993
Space Cadet

Electronic music is one area where independent status is the general rule. Ian Boddy is one of the UK's foremost electronic musicians, with a label he set up especially for his own releases. David Hughes gets the full story.

Dave Hewson - Danse Electronique

Interview | Electronics & Music Maker, Jan 1984

One of the foremost composers of electronic film music, here he talks about his celluloid career and his more recent excursion into the world of popular music producing, and his own Danse Electronique.

Jon Hassell - Ethnic Fanfare

Interview | Music Technology, Dec 1987

American trumpeter extraordinaire talks to John Diliberto about horns, electronics and Indian ragas; '60s experimentation meets '80s chic.

Richard Pinhas

Interview | Electronics & Music Maker, Sep 1982
The Man and his Music

We feature one of France's most fascinating Electro-Musicians, and look at the man, his music and the philosophy behind his composition.

Tangerine Dream - The New Tangerine Dream

Interview Audio | Electronics & Music Maker, Jan 1982
An interview with Edgar Froese and Christoph Franke during their recent UK tour

An interview with Edgar Froese and Christoph Franke, concert report and music pull-out "Choronzon" from the 'Exit' LP.



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