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Peter Hook - Made to Order

Interview | Home & Studio Recording, Jul 1985
Pete Hook — Bass Player, Songwriter and Producer

Although well known for his work as bassist with Joy Division and New Order, Pete Hook is a keen producer and owns a studio by the name of Swite 16.

This artist was mentioned in these interviews

In and Out of Order

Interview | International Musician, Oct 1985

Peter Hook gives a breakdown on broken down gear and the lowdown on Lowlife.

Order Of The Day

Interview | Making Music, Mar 1987

Order of the Day

Interview | Electronics & Music Maker, Mar 1985

Matthew Vosburgh attaches tape recorder to tripod and lets New Order add their words to his pictures. He also traces the recorded history of one of Britain's most influential modem music outfits.


Interview | Sound On Sound, Oct 1991
Feel Every Beat

Are Electronic, mutant offspring of New Order, The Smiths and the Pet Shop Boys, the first electro-supergroup? Does it matter? Mark J. Prendergast ignores the hype, sidesteps trivial speculation, and talks technical to Bernard Sumner.

Toys R Us

Interview | Music Technology, Aug 1993

The techno punk duo on U2, sampling theft, virtual reality, CDI, and getting the machines to rock.

Under New Orders

Interview | Music Technology, Apr 1994

More than a decade and a half after they first fell out of Manchester, New Order's most married couple are still at the nerve-centre of the band's activities. Helping them come to terms with it all - Phil Ward

Adam Clayton

Interview | Phaze 1, Feb 1989

Order of the Day

Interview | Phaze 1, Apr 1989

why drummer stephen morris prefers programming computers to bashing skins

808 State - The New Statesmen

Interview | Music Technology, Feb 1993

808 State - Absolutely Gorgeous

New Order

Interview | Music Technology, Apr 1989

Making their presence felt in the singles charts once again, New Order are celebrating eight years together with a new album and forthcoming tour. David Bradwell and Chris Williams investigate the Order of things.

This artist was mentioned in these other articles

New Order - State of the art

Feature | Sound On Sound, Feb 1987
'Brotherhood' by New Order

Sound On Sound's record review with a difference! Mark Prendergast begins the first of a regular feature that talks about and to the people responsible for one of the more interesting vinyl releases around. This month: 'Brotherhood' by New Order.

The Best Bass Lines In The World

Feature | One Two Testing, Feb 1984

From Jamerson to Joy Division, Chic to Kaye, this is the place of the bass.

New Order - New Order - Technique

Feature | Topic: Recording | Sound On Sound, Apr 1989

Mark Prendergast takes a look behind the scenes at the recording of New Order's fifth LP, 'Technique'.


News | International Musician, Mar 1986

Including a special Yamaha news update.

Studio Diary

Feature | Topic: Recording Studios | International Musician, Sep 1986

Food fans flip out! Forget recording — what do Pop stars eat while they're working? Lovable liquid-luncher and hardened drinker Trynka tucks in. Bon appetit!

Quotes Of The Year

Retrospective | Topic: Humour | International Musician, Dec 1985

From the profound to the downright silly, we wind up a year's chit-chat


News | One Two Testing, Jan 1986

grotesque gossip and more



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