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mu:zines is the result of thousands of hours of effort, and will require many thousands more going forward to reach our goals of getting all this content online.

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Donations for February 2025
Issues donated this month: 13

New issues that have been donated or scanned for us this month.

Funds donated this month: £14.00

All donations and support are gratefully appreciated - thank you.

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A Compositional Method for Electronic Composers

Feature | Topic: Composing / Art | Polyphony, Jul/Aug 1978

A History of Electronic Music - Part 1

Feature Series | Topic: Composing / Art, History / Culture | Electronics & Music Maker, Dec 1981

Part 1 looks at the early growth of this vitally important area of music today.

A History of Electronic Music - Part 4

Feature Series | Topic: Composing / Art, History / Culture | Electronics & Music Maker, Mar 1982

A History Of Electronic Music - Part 2

Feature Series | Topic: Composing / Art, History / Culture | Electronics & Music Maker, Jan 1982

A History of Electronic Music - Part 3

Feature Series | Topic: Composing / Art, History / Culture | Electronics & Music Maker, Feb 1982

Animating Film Sound

Feature | Topic: Composing / Art, Video / Film / Picture | Sound On Sound, Jun 1986

Catch a glimpse of what goes through the mind of a Newcastle musician commissioned to provide a suitable soundtrack for an animated film whose subject matter revolves around a woman living alone in a high-rise block of flats. John Goodenough relates his experiences.

Back To Bach

Feature | Topic: Composing / Art, Recording, Sequencing | Sound On Sound, Jul 1992
The Making of an Album

When Julian Colbeck went back to Bach to find musical inspiration, little did he think he'd end up recording a whole album.

Beating The System

Feature | Topic: Algorythmic Composition, Arranging / Songwriting, Composing / Art | One Two Testing, Jul/Aug 1986
Systems Music

Musical mathematics made easy

Electronic Music Notation

Feature | Topic: Composing / Art, Music Theory, Performing | Polyphony, Sep/Oct 1978

For The Benefit Of Mr Lennon

Feature | Topic: Composing / Art, Sequencing | Sound On Sound, Dec 1993
Using the Kurzweil K2000 to create and perform a tribute to John Lennon

Further Secrets Of Computer Composition - Part 2

Feature Series | Topic: Algorythmic Composition, Composing / Art | Music Technology, Apr 1989

The second and final part of this series on computer composition examines the differences between human composers and their electronic counterparts. Ian Waugh keeps the score.

Lab Notes: Pink Tunes

Feature | Topic: Algorythmic Composition, Composing / Art, Computing | Polyphony, Jul/Aug 1978

Making Music For The New Age - Part 1

Feature Series | Topic: Composing / Art | Recording Musician, Feb 1993

A cosmic David Etheridge gets to the spirit of New Age music in the first instalment of a two-part series.

Making New Age Music - Part 2

Feature Series | Topic: Composing / Art | Recording Musician, Mar 1993

In part two of this short series, David Etheridge looks at the role of effects and unusual chords in New Age music.

Natural music

Feature | Topic: Composing / Art, Synthesis & Sound Design | Sound On Sound, Nov 1986

Is it possible to create music using only the natural sounds of the Earth? Robin Lumley says yes, having done just that for a forthcoming BBC documentary series with the aid of a Prophet 2000 sampler and some open-minded studio personnel. Read his fascinating tale.

New Reality

Feature | Topic: Composing / Art | Sound On Sound, Nov 1989
The story of a CD

Not many people would have the courage to give up a lucrative career in the jingles business in order to record and release their own CD. But that's precisely what Simon Renouf has done, and this is his story...

Notes on the Recording of Synergy's "Cords"

Feature | Topic: Composing / Art, Recording | Polyphony, Sep/Oct 1978

Producers' Corner

Feature | Topic: Arranging / Songwriting, Composing / Art | Home & Studio Recording, Jan 1986

Neville Unwin attempts to shed some light on contemporary production and arrangement.

The Development of Electronic Music - Part 1

Feature Series | Topic: Composing / Art | Electronic Soundmaker, Jul 1984

Says it all really

The Electronic Music of Barton and Priscilla McLean

Feature | Topic: Composing / Art | Polyphony, Nov/Dec 1978
Composer Profiles



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