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All Hail Valhala

Review | Sound On Sound, Mar 1992
Studio Series Roland D110 Voice Cards

Super sleuth Simon Sanders finds himself hot on the trail of cool sounds for the Roland D110. Prime suspect: Valhala.

Roland D110

Review | Music Technology, Sep 1988
LA Synthesiser

Roland's MT32 LA synth expander proved so popular with pro musicians, the company had trouble explaining that it was aimed at the domestic market. Now Thomas Clement test-drives the professionals' LA expander.

Roland D110 LA Expander

Review | Sound On Sound, Jun 1988
The Expanded Expander

Here it is - the professional version MT32 complete with separate voice outputs, built-in reverb and hardly any noise. Martin Russ looks at Roland’s new studio-oriented rackmount LA synthesizer.

We found these other (non-review) articles that are linked to this gear

A Programmer's Guide to the Roland D110 - Part 2

Feature Series | Sound On Sound, Aug 1989

PART 2: Greg Truckell winds up his two-part power user's guide to this popular LA expander with some applications techniques.

A Programmer's Guide to the Roland D110 - Part 1

Feature Series | Topic: Synthesis & Sound Design | Sound On Sound, Jul 1989

PART 1: Ace programmer Greg Truckell begins a power user’s guide to this popular LA synth expander.


Feature | Music Technology, Oct 1990

A wide selection of sound libraries from Sound Source Unlimited, Roland and Stiletto come under the scrutiny of the Patchwork reviewers.


Feature Downloads | Topic: Synthesizer Patches | Music Technology, Sep 1989

Readers' patches for Casio's CZ5000 and Ensoniq ESQ1, and a review of Leister Productions' Professional patches for D110 & TX81Z make up this month's Patchwork.


Feature Downloads | Topic: Synthesizer Patches | Music Technology, Mar 1990

Readers' patches for the OSC OSCar and the Yamaha CS30 make this month's patchwork an all-analogue affar. This and Stiletto's Roland D-series and Casio CZ-series synths.


Feature Downloads | Topic: Synthesizer Patches | Music Technology, May 1989

A review of the Desert Island sample collection for the Mirage joins readers' own patches for the Roland D110, Ensoniq ESQ1 and Casio CZ5000 in this month's action-packed edition of Patchwork.



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