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Hi-Tech Xpansion

Review | Electronics & Music Maker, Apr 1985

As Yamaha's 'X' range of hi-tech hardware continues to grow, Dan Goldstein and Trish McGrath present an exclusive appraisal of two of the range's most affordable additions, the TX7 FM Expander and QX7 MIDI Keyboard Recorder.

Xpert System

Review | Electronic Soundmaker, May 1985
Yamaha QX7 sequencer / TX7 expander

The latest additions to Yamaha's 'X' range - the QX7 keyboard recorder and TX7 expander look to be some of the most interesting yet.

Yamaha TX7 expander/QX7 sequencer

Review | One Two Testing, May 1985

FM for everyone

Yamaha TX7 FM Expander & QX7 Sequencer

Review | International Musician, Jul 1985

Strongly recommended to DX owners. Reviewed by Curtis Schwartz

We found these other (non-review) articles that are linked to this gear

TX7 - To The Limit

Feature | Topic: Synthesis & Sound Design | Sound On Sound, Jun 1986

Ray Elder details a way of creating new programs of your own on Yamaha's TX7 expander without having to use a DX7. All you need is a Spectrum computer, some DX7 voice editing software and the free advice contained within this article!



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