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80 DaysRetrospective (Gear) | Topic: Vintage Instruments | Music Technology, Sep 1990Yamaha CS80Once infamous as a roadie's nightmare, the CS80 has settled in synth history as an instrument of almost unmatched character. Peter Forrest rediscovers the pain and the pleasure. |
A Mother's TouchReview | Sound On Sound, Mar 1989Roland A50 Mother KeyboardRoland have left the business of making MIDI controller keyboards up to others for at least three years, but have now just released two new models. Paul Ireson gets carried away with Roland's latest mother keyboard, the A50. |
An Oscar Winning PerformanceReview | Phaze 1, Aug 1989Dream Machine: ensoniq EPS/EPSmthe all-singing all-dancing all-bankrupting Ensoniq EPS |
Diamond LifeReview | Sound On Sound, Aug 1992Gem S2 Music ProcessorGEM's newest synth, with its polished sound and presentation, could be set to dispel the company's homely image. Martin Russ discovers the multi-faceted GEM S2. |
Elka MK88/MK55Review | Music Technology, Mar 1988Master Keyboard ControllerTwo new master keyboards from Elka change Deborah Parisi's mind about the merits of silent keyboards. |
Ensoniq EPSPreview | Music Technology, Aug 1988SamplerIt's nearly three years since Ensoniq struck it rich with the Mirage sampler. Simon Trask previews Ensoniq's new sampler and asks "can they repeat their success with the EPS?" |
Ensoniq EPSReview | Music Technology, Oct 1988Performance SamplerIt's been a while in the pipeline but Ensoniq's successor to their popular Mirage sampler is up and running. Simon Trask checks out the latest "peoples' sampler". |
Ensoniq EPS UpdateReview | Micro Music, Jun/Jul 1989Paul Wiffen takes an exclusive look a Ensoniq's latest offering in the field of sampling |
Ensoniq EPS16 PlusReview | Music Technology, Feb 1991Digital Sampling WorkstationAfter a recent change in UK distribution, Ensoniq look set to increase their popularity with this upgraded version of their EPS sampler. Simon Trask likes what he samples. |
Ensoniq Performance SamplerReview | Sound On Sound, Feb 1988The ability to load new samples whilst playing is only one of many performance-related features which make the 20-voice EPS stand out from the current crowd of sampling keyboards. Craig Anderton reveals the others... |
Ensoniq SQ-80Review | Sound On Sound, Feb 1988Cross Wave SynthesizerThe onboard 8-track sequencer and sampled waveforms of the ESQ-1 make it a hard act for any manufacturer to follow. So what further features does Ensoniq's new SQ-80 synthesizer have that could possibly outshine its stablemate? Craig Anderton explores... |
Ensoniq SQ80Review | Music Technology, Feb 1988Cross Wave SynthesiserThe successor to Ensoniq's popular ESQ1 expands on the sound and sequencing facilities and adds polyphonic aftertouch to the ESQ's spec. Simon Trask goes in search of the performance synthesiser. |
Ensoniq VFXReview | Micro Music, Dec 1989Paul Wiffen tinkers with the synth/workstation that has made the competition sit up and listen |
Ensoniq VFXReview | Music Technology, Jul 1989Dynamic Component SynthesiserInitial impressions of the VFX have been glowing, to say the least, but will Ensoniq's latest synth break the Japanese stranglehold on the marketplace? Simon Trask investigates further. |
Ensoniq VFXReview | Sound On Sound, Jul 1989Following on from last month’s praise-filled preview. Paul Ireson takes a longer, harder look at Ensoniq's new VFX synthesizer, and finds that the beauty of this machine is far more than skin-deep. Is this the synth of 1989? Read the review to find out... |
Ensoniq VFXReview | Music Technology, Jun 1989"A new synth, a new style of synthesis" could be Ensoniq's motto as they unveil their new VFX and its Transwave synthesis. Simon Trask previews the sound of things to come. |
Ensoniq VFX SynthesizerReview | Sound On Sound, Jun 1989Unheralded even by rumours and speculation, Ensoniq's new VFX synthesizer has arrived. Prior to a full review next month, Paul Ireson offers his first impressions of what could turn out to be the most sought after synth of 1989. |
Ensoniq VFX-SDPreview | Music Technology, Dec 1989One of the most refreshing synths of '89 was Ensoniq's VFX, but how does it fare with a new keyboard, disk drive and a powerful onboard sequencer? David Bradwell looks at Ensoniq's workstation. |
Masters of the UniverseReview | Sound On Sound, Feb 1988Elka Master KeyboardsWith rack expanders forever dropping in price, the concept of one 'master' keyboard capable of controlling all MIDI devices in a system becomes more appealing by the minute. And with the MK88 and MK55, Tony Wride believes Elka have fulfilled the promise of MIDI and produced the ultimate master keyboards, jam-packed with features. |
Metro Sound Studiosamples Sound DisksReview | Music Technology, Sep 1993for Ensoniq EPS16+/ASR10Metro Sound Studiosamples sound disks for the Ensoniq EPS16+ and ASR10 |
Prophet T8Review | Electronics & Music Maker, Dec 1983Touch-Sensitive Polyphonic SynthesiserThe new Sequential Circuits touch sensitive programmable poly synth |
Roland A50 & A80Review | Music Technology, Jun 1989MIDI Keyboard ControllersAs MIDI equipment becomes more and more sophisticated, the job of a MIDI controller keyboard becomes more and more demanding. Simon Trask takes the A train with Roland's latest MIDI controllers. |
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