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Action Replay

Review | Sound On Sound, Apr 1989
Akai S1000PB 16bit Stereo Sample Player with SWM and Workstation Disks

Do you find the idea of sampling your own sounds unappealing? Why not settle for a high quality replay-only sampler like the Akai S1000PB and spend the money you save on more library disks? Paul Ireson checks out the machine and Akai's newly launched set of Workstation and SWM disks.

Akai 3000 Series Samplers

Review | Music Technology, Feb 1993
Akai's new 3000 Series sampler range - the MT guide

The brand new heavies previewed

Akai CD3000

Review | Music Technology, Sep 1993
CD-ROM sample player

The CD Side of sampling.

Akai CD3000

Review | Sound On Sound, Sep 1993
CD-ROM Sample Player

We test the world's first CD-ROM sampler.

Akai S01 Sampler

Review | Music Technology, Nov 1992

Akai the new...

Akai S1000

Preview | Music Technology, Oct 1988

Akai's popular S900 sampler has appeared on more records and in more studios than you can name. Simon Trask takes an early look at the S900's successor, the 16-bit, 16-voice S1000.

Akai S1000

Review | Music Technology, Dec 1988
Digital Sampler

Following in the footsteps of their successful S900 sampler, Akai's new baby looks likely to set new standards in sampling hardware. Simon Trask's thrilled to bits.

Akai S1100

Review | Sound On Sound, Dec 1990
16-Bit Stereo Sampler

Akai's S1000 is without doubt the industry standard professional sampler, so why try and improve on the best? Paul Wiffen finds that SMPTE cue listing, AES/EBU real-time output, and built-in effects are a good start (with hard disk recording to follow).

Akai S1100

Review | Music Technology, May 1991
Digital Stereo Sampler

Having set the music industry standard in sampling with their S1000, Akai are now taking moving pictures into their stride. Simon Trask gets frame-accurate on the S1100.

Akai S1100EX

Review | Sound On Sound, Sep 1992
S1100 Expansion Unit

If a single S1100 isn't enough for you, Akai's S11OOEX offers an easy way to expand your sampling power. David Mellor meets an ideal partner for his main studio sampler.

Akai S2800 & S3000 Samplers

Review | Music Technology, Mar 1993

Leaders of the new school?

An Oscar Winning Performance

Review | Phaze 1, Aug 1989
Dream Machine: ensoniq EPS/EPSm

the all-singing all-dancing all-bankrupting Ensoniq EPS

Back to the future

Review | The Mix, Jun 1995
Akai MPC3000

Sampler, sequencer, synchroniser

Casio FZ-1 Sampling Keyboard

Review | Sound On Sound, Jun 1987
Leading The Field?

Casio caused a furore at February's Frankfurt Music Fair when they unveiled the world's first 'affordable' 16-bit sampling keyboard with onboard graphic editing display - the FZ-1. Mark Jenkins visits the Casio factory to bring you a comprehensive preview of this remarkable instrument.

Casio FZ1

Review | Music Technology, Jun 1987
Sampling Keyboard

This is it. A 16-bit sampling keyboard for the price of a 12-bit one, with digital synthesis tacked on as a bonus. Jim Burgess gives his verdict in our exclusive review.

Casio FZ1 sampler

Review | Making Music, Jun 1987

Casio FZ20M

Review | Music Technology, Mar 1990
Digital Sampler

With two-minutes of sample time, Casio's FZ20M would seem to be an instant contender for any serious sampler's shortlist - but size isn't always everything, as Vic Lennard discovers.

Casio FZ20M Sampler

Review | Sound On Sound, Aug 1989

Casio have added a SCSI interface to their FZ10M, made the hard disk optional, and called it the FZ20M. Paul Ireson investigates this born-again sampler.

Chameleon In SP's Clothing

Review | Sound On Sound, May 1992
Peavey SP Sample Playback Synthesizer

Martin Russ takes a close look at Peavey's long-awaited DPM SP dedicated sample player, and its sample input partner the DPM SX.

Cheetah SX16

Review | Music Technology, Aug 1990
Sampling Module

After much pre-publicity, Cheetah's first venture into the world of samplers is here. It's 16-bit stereo, reads S900 disks and is reviewed by Vic Lennard.

Dynacord ADS Sampler

Review | Sound On Sound, Feb 1990

The ADS sampler has the look and feel of a German sports car - expensive, no-nonsense, and high performance. Craig Anderton takes it for a test drive.

E-Mu Systems Emulator III Version 1.21

Review | Music Technology, Aug 1988
Digital Sound Production Workstation

The latest version of E-mu's popular Emulator sampler incorporates stereo 16-bit sampling and a hard disk drive. Chris Meyer can't believe his ears.

Economy upgrade

Review | The Mix, Apr 1995

Affordable sampling from an original thinker

Emu Systems EIIIXP

Review | Sound On Sound, Feb 1993
Digital Sound Production System

Ensoniq ASR-10

Review | Music Technology, Jan 1993
Advanced Sampling Recorder

Bit of this, bit of that



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