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12-Track Recording Studio

Review | Electronics & Music Maker, Dec 1984
Software Surplus

6-Track Composer/Arranger

Review | Electronics & Music Maker, Dec 1984
Software Surplus

All Systems Go!

Review | Electronic Soundmaker, Apr 1985

With Joreth's Hardware/Software MIDI control package for the CBM 64.

Autographies Microsound 64 Keyboard

Review | Electronics & Music Maker, Jul 1984

Innovative UK manufacturers Autographies have come up with a music system that gives the synth player access to the Commodore 64 micro's SID chip. Mick Jones analyses its potential.

BBC News

Review | Electronic Soundmaker, Jan 1985
Organ Master/Island Logic

An add-on sound board, and a comprehensive disc-based music system for the Beeb micro.

C-Lab Supertrack

Review | Sound On Sound, May 1986
Software for Commodore 64

Mark Jenkins supercharges the studio with this latest hi-tech recording software for the inexpensive Commodore 64 micro.

Calculated Risk?

Review | Electronic Soundmaker, Nov 1984

MusiCalc Software. The best software yet for the Commodore 64?

Commodore FM Editor/Composer

Review | Music Technology, Jan 1987

Chris Jenkins again, with a new program that lets Commodore owners look inside the Yamaha-licensed FM sound chip. A DX7 for sixpence?

Final Score

Review | Electronics & Music Maker, Mar 1986
Steinberg Scorewriter

Simon Trask looks at how the Germans get computers to print out staves, notes and time signatures, and is suitably impressed.

Graphically Yours

Review | Electronics & Music Maker, Aug 1985

It's now some 18 months since the company first produced MIDI software for home micros, and now SIEL have come up with two of their most attractive packages yet. Trish McGrath has the details.

Instant Music

Review | Micro Music, Aug/Sep 1989

Ann Owen just adds water and stirs with this jamming package for the Commodore 64 and Amiga

Island Logic Music Software

Review | One Two Testing, Jun 1985

preview for the Commodore

Island Logic Music System

Review | One Two Testing, Dec 1984

software for a melodic BBC

Jellinghaus Music Systems

Review | Electronics & Music Maker, Jul 1984
MIDI Computer Interface and Software

German company Jellinghaus have been producing some interesting-looking MIDI software for some while. Now Rosetti are bringing it into the UK, and David Ellis has managed to get his hands on a few review samples.

JMS Scorewriter

Review | Electronics & Music Maker, Jan 1986

A new software package for the Commodore 64 that puts step-time sequencing, recording and scorewriting in an elegant perspex box. Ian Waugh finds it transparently appealing.

Joreth Music Composer System

Review | Sound On Sound, Apr 1987
Software for the Commodore 64

Ian Waugh explores Joreth Music's integrated Music Composer System and Real-Time Linker - two powerful MIDI sequencing packages for the Commodore 64 micro.

Joreth Music Composer System

Review | Electronics & Music Maker, May 1985
MIDI Software and Hardware for Commodore 64

An extensive new MIDI software package from Worcestershire could well be the answer to many a Commodore owner's dream. Simon Trask has the details.

Joreth System 7 & CZ Editor

Review | Sound On Sound, May 1987
Software for Commodore 64

Ian Waugh takes a look at this combined MIDI sequencer/librarian package, and voice editors for the CZ and DX synth ranges.

Microsound Digital Music System

Review | Electronics & Music Maker, Jun 1985
MIDI Sampling Hardware and Software for Commodore 64

In which a long-awaited, British-built sampling hardware/software package for the CBM64 catches MIDI and makes it to the review stage. Simon Trask reports.

Multitracking On A Budget

Review | Electronics & Music Maker, Jun 1986
Software for Commodore 64

Do we need another German software package for the Commodore 64. The C-Lab company think we do, and after playing with their first system, Simon Trask finds himself agreeing.

Music Maker

Review | Electronics & Music Maker, Dec 1984
Software Surplus

Writing new music software seems to be the most popular current preoccupation for the world's music and computer industries. We take a look at six of the latest packages to hit the UK.

Music Sales unveil new Commodore Software

Review | In Tune, Jul/Aug 1985
Commodore Sound Studio

Passport MIDI/4 Software

Review | Electronics & Music Maker, Sep 1984
Software and Interface

David Ellis casts a critical eye over Passport Designs' first foray into the wonderful world of MIDI.

Passport Required?

Review | Electronic Soundmaker, Aug 1985
Passport MIDI/4, Polywriter

Two new software packages

Passport Software

Review | One Two Testing, Jun 1985

writing for MIDI



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