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Sound On Sound - April 1991


You've Got The Power

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Our round-up of the latest news from the hi-tech music recording world.

Shape Of Things To Come

Another colourful selection of new and improved instruments, equipment and software.

BBE Sonic Maximizer

Does BBE's new box of psychoacoustic tricks offer a new way of livening up a mix? David Mellor takes his music to the max.

Dave Stewart's Music Seminar Part 10

No Rhythm

Part 10: No rhythm. Dave Stewart explains ways of making music Without That Insistent Backbeat.

Inside The KLF


Mark J. Prendergast looks behind the anonymous front of the KLF, riding high on the success of 'What Time Is Love' and '3am Eternal'.

Analogue-To-Digital Conversion

Why isn't everybody happy with 16-bit sampling? Why are 20 bits better than 16? Kendall Wrightson looks at the technology in the latest generation of analogue-to-digital convertors.

C-Lab Notator V3.0 Part 1

C-Lab's outstanding Notator and Creator sequencers have now been updated to version 3.0. Dave Lockwood checks out the new features.

General MIDI

A True MIDI Standard?

The non-standard nature of MIDI instruments has become an impediment to MIDI's Use in the home and educational markets, so the instrument manufacturers have come together to create a new standard: General MIDI. Chris Jordan explains what it is and why it is needed.

Knobular Synthesis

Roland JD800 Programmable Synthesizer

Already a strong contender for hot keyboard of the year, Roland's new JD800 puts analogue-style knobs and sliders back on the front panel of a modern digital synth. Julian Colbeck goes "wow"!

Space Race

Roland M480 & M240R Rackmount Line Mixers

The competition to squeeze the maximum number of inputs and effects busses into the smallest possible rack space continues, as Kendall Wrightson discovers.

Up, Up And Away!

Zoom 9010 Advanced Sound Processor

A multi-timbral effects unit? David Mellor finds out that 'Advanced Sound Processor' can mean far more than just an ordinary multi-effects unit.

The Secret Of My Success

Howard Jones

UK chart success may have been elusive of late but Howard Jones' continued popularity in the States has brought its rewards — an SSL-equipped 48-track home studio. Interview by Paul Tingen.

Recording Techniques Part 17

The Mix (3)

Part 17: The mix (3). There's so much to know about mixing and most of it can only be learned by experience. But a little knowledge can go a long way. David Mellor offers even more insights.

This article has no OCR bodytext.Win A BBE Sonic Maximizer

Do your recordings sound dull? Enter our competition and you could be putting the spark back in your music with a sonic maximizer!

Software Support

Hints, Tips & News From The World Of Music Software

More hints and tips for C-Lab and Steinberg users.

Sounding Off

What Is This MIDI Thing?

Mr. Ian Truss asks that most profound of questions: What is MIDI?

Sound On Sound - SOS Publications Ltd.
The contents of this magazine are re-published here with the kind permission of SOS Publications Ltd.


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