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Vintage ClassicsFeature | Topic: Vintage Instruments | Sound On Sound, Feb 1986Virtually every synth and keyboard made has passed through the hands of Keyboard Hire's Alexander Skeaping at some point in time, so we sent David Etheridge along to tap his thoughts on the subject of buying secondhand keyboards. |
Geoff DownesInterview | Sound On Sound, Apr 1986Asia's illustrious keyboard playerIn a rare interview, Asia's illustrious keyboard player talks synths, samplers and Mellotrons with David Etheridge. |
Busy Doing Nothing?Interview | Sound On Sound, May 1986Renowned best for his keyboard/synth excursions in the jazz-rock field, Dave and partner Barbara Gaskin achieved several chart hits with re-workings of classic pop songs like 'It's My Party' back in 1982. Together they are presently completing their first album for release on compact disc. David Etheridge took a look behind the scenes. |
EmpathyInterview | Sound On Sound, Jun 1986The Rupert Hine Approach to Record ProducingYou may be surprised to learn that as a producer, Rupert Hine has some sixty-five albums credited to him, though it is only in recent times that his name has started to mean anything outside of the record business. Something that has come about largely through his successful associations with Howard Jones and Tina Turner. David Etheridge chatted to him in the studio about his career to date and his approach to record production. |
The Ultimate Garage StudioFeature | Topic: Recording Studios | Sound On Sound, Aug 1986Solo SoundDavid Etheridge pays a visit to this expanding 8-track London facility which has carved out a successful niche for itself as a well-equipped modern day songwriter's studio. |
Double DealingFeature | Making Music, Jan 1987Double BassesThose large wooden things that are becoming surprisingly trend. How to cope. |
Sampling A VintageFeature | Topic: Vintage Instruments | Making Music, Jan 1987The life story of the original sampling keyboard — the Mellotron. |
Steel CrazyFeature | Making Music, Mar 1987(after all these beers)just how do country persons get the twanging yee-hah screech of the pedal steel |
Secondhand Synths - Part 1Feature Series | Topic: Buyer's Guide | Making Music, Apr 1987It's down the shop/in the paper/round your mate's, but what should you look for, and how d'you know if it's a good 'un? |
The Aural HistoriansFeature | Topic: Restoration / Archival | Sound On Sound, Apr 1987National Sound ArchiveWhere can you go to listen to your selection of over one million records and tapes, old and new? Read David Etheridge's revealing article on the NSA to find out... |
Secondhand Synths - Part 2Feature Series | Topic: Buyer's Guide | Making Music, May 1987Part two of our natter with a couple of blokes who fix old keyboards every day. Common problems need common solutions |
Taurus Taurus TaurusFeature | Topic: Vintage Instruments | Making Music, Jun 1987Bass PedalsThink of those things on the floor under the organ. Now chop them up a bit and separate them. We dance on the result |
Secondhand TapingFeature | Topic: Buyer's Guide | Making Music, Jul 1987Recording GearThere are bargains in the land of non-new taping equipment, specially if you like unfashionable effects |
Realistic Arrangements: Vocals - Part 2Feature Series | Topic: Arranging / Songwriting | Home & Studio Recording, Mar 1989Our series continues with the voice, whether synthetic, sampled or the real thing. |
Kurzweil K1200 & PRO 76Review | Sound On Sound, Nov 1991The Innovator ReturnsKurzweil may have invented the ROM sample player as we know it, but others seem to have reaped the benefits. Four years on from the 1000 series, the K1200 and Pro 76 keyboards, and Pro 1 module, offer improved sounds and facilities. David Etheridge dives in at the deep end. |
Making Music For The New Age - Part 1Feature Series | Topic: Composing / Art | Recording Musician, Feb 1993A cosmic David Etheridge gets to the spirit of New Age music in the first instalment of a two-part series. |
Making New Age Music - Part 2Feature Series | Topic: Composing / Art | Recording Musician, Mar 1993In part two of this short series, David Etheridge looks at the role of effects and unusual chords in New Age music. |
The Rime Of The Ancient SamplerFeature | Topic: Vintage Instruments | Sound On Sound, Jun 1993The Mellotron: A Historical Perspective |
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