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Search results

Yamaha RX11 & RX15

Review | Electronics & Music Maker, Oct 1984
Programmable Rhythm Machines

Yamaha's first-ever self-contained programmable drum machines have PCM-encoded voices and MIDI. Kendall Wrightson gives his verdict.

Time For SMPTE - Part 1

Feature Series | Topic: Syncronisation | Sound On Sound, Nov 1985

Accepted as the synchronisation standard in the television and broadcast industry, this digital timecode is fast making inroads into the recording studio at all levels. Kendall Wrightson puts it all in perspective with the start of this series.

Time For SMPTE - Part 2

Feature Series | Sound On Sound, Dec 1985

Kendall Wrightson rounds off his introduction to SMPTE with a look at its application in modern music production as exemplified by a synchronisation unit - the Friend Chip SRC.

Finale - Part 1

Review Series | Sound On Sound, Mar 1989
The best music program ever?

Part 1: In the States, Coda's Finale has been hailed as the "the most exciting use of the Apple Macintosh to date" and "the most powerful, most intelligent, most flexible music software available today". In this lengthy two-part review, Kendall Wrightson cuts through the hype to discover whether the claims are fact or fiction.

Finale - Part 2

Review Series | Sound On Sound, Apr 1989
The Best Music Program Ever?

Part 2: Kendall Wrightson continues his pilgrimage through Finale, Coda Software's music transcription program for Apple Macintoshes (and soon PC compatibles), lingering at the Playback, Hyperscribe and Transcription tools.

Sounding Off

Opinion | Sound On Sound, Sep 1989

Kendall Wrightson argues the case for a universal editing interface for MIDI keyboards.

Kawai K1 II

Review | Sound On Sound, Dec 1989
The Sequel

Recognising a hit when they make one, Kawai have added independent drum voices and a digital effects section to the popular K1 and called the result the K1 II. Kendall Wrightson plays spot the difference.


Review | Sound On Sound, Dec 1989
Emu Systems Emax II

What do you get if you cross an Emax with a Proteus? An Emaximus perhaps, or maybe even a Protemax? Kendall Wrightson test drives Emu's new 16-bit sampler to find out.

Improve Your Memory

Review | Sound On Sound, Jan 1990
PLI Infinity Turbo Drive

Removable hard disks represent a cost-effective solution to data backup and storage problems for sampler owners. Kendall Wrightson takes a look at the PLI Infinity Turbo Drive in use with the Akai S1000.

Mark Of The Unicorn Performer

Review | Music Technology, Apr 1990
Software for Apple Macintosh

Now some five years old, MOTU's Performer Mac sequencing software has undergone a series of significant upgrades. Kendall Wrightson boots up version 3.2.

MIDItemp PMM88

Review | Sound On Sound, May 1990
MIDI Router

Midi routing systems have come a long way since the humble passive thru box. Kendall Wrightson explores a sophisticated example of the species.

Mass Storage Devices

Review | Sound On Sound, Jun 1990

Kendall Wrightson examines a new range of SCSI storage devices from Diki Devices, designed for use with the latest generation of high quality samplers and the new direct to disk and random access recorder/editors.

Roland S770 Sampler

Review | Sound On Sound, Jul 1990

Roland's flagship sampling module boasts an impressive specification, and its page-based screens are oddly reminiscent of the famous Fairlight. Kendall Wrightson finds out how impressive it is in the flesh.

MOTU MIDI Time Piece

Review | Sound On Sound, Sep 1990

Mark of the Unicorn's first piece of hardware is a combined 8x8 MIDI interface/network and smpte synchroniser for the Apple Macintosh. Kendall Wrightson investigates.

Light Fantastic

Review | Sound On Sound, Oct 1990
XRI Systems XRL8 MIDILite

Best known for their SMPTE synchronisers and MIDI patch bays, XRI Systems have entered the growing field of MIDI controlled lighting with the compact XRL8 MIDILite. Kendall Wrightson seeks illumination.

What A Performer!

Review | Sound On Sound, Oct 1990
Performer 3.5

Following hot on the heels of their MIDI Time Piece, Mark of the Unicorn release a major upgrade to Performer, the world's first 'professional' computer MIDI sequencer. Kendall Wrightson looks at what's new in an old favourite.

Function Junction

Review | Sound On Sound, Dec 1990
MIDI Patchbay

Audio Architecture's Function Junction range of MIDI patchbays offers up to 16 x 64 MIDI routing with MIDI merging, sophisticated MIDI processing and mother keyboard emulation. Kendall Wrightson investigates.

Alesis SR16

Review | Sound On Sound, Dec 1990
The Dynamic Beatbox

You just can't argue with a drum machine offering 233 16-bit sounds, two stereo outputs, 16-voice polyphony and a mammoth memory all for £299 — unless perhaps you're a busker, as Kendall Wrightson discovers.

The Shape Shifter

Review | Sound On Sound, Jan 1991
Digidesign MacProteus And InVision ProtoLogic

Kendall Wrightson looks at two new Proteus-related products — the ProtoLogic Sound Memory Expansion Unit from InVision, and Digidesign's MacProteus NuBus card for the Apple Macintosh II.

Sweet Sixteen

Review | Sound On Sound, Jan 1991
Ensoniq EPS16 Plus Sampling Workstation

Ensoniq have transformed their 13-bit EPS sampling workstation with the addition of dynamically controlled 24-bit digital multi-effects, a much improved 16-track MIDI sequencer and full 16-bit sampling. The result is the EPS16 Plus. But does it pass? Kendall Wrightson invigilates.

Space Race

Review | Sound On Sound, Apr 1991
Roland M480 & M240R Rackmount Line Mixers

The competition to squeeze the maximum number of inputs and effects busses into the smallest possible rack space continues, as Kendall Wrightson discovers.

Analogue-To-Digital Conversion

Feature | Topic: Digital Audio | Sound On Sound, Apr 1991

Why isn't everybody happy with 16-bit sampling? Why are 20 bits better than 16? Kendall Wrightson looks at the technology in the latest generation of analogue-to-digital convertors.

The Max Factor

Review | Sound On Sound, Jul 1991
Opcode Max Software

Opcode's Max is an Apple Macintosh based graphical programming environment primarily aimed at manipulating MIDI data. It's also highly addictive as Kendall Wrightson discovered.

Still Life

Interview | Sound On Sound, Jul 1991

Tony Banks talks to Kendall Wrightson about his new solo album, Technology, and the latest chapter in the book of Genesis.

Roland RSP550

Review | Sound On Sound, Jul 1991

Yet another sleek, black, 16-bit multi effects unit? Or does the new Roland RSP550 have something more to offer? Kendall Wrightson has the answer.



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