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Search results

The Dumb Chums

Feature | Topic: Humour | One Two Testing, Apr 1984

This article has no OCR bodytext.Board Walk

Feature | One Two Testing, Apr 1984

Are you game for fame?

The Dumb Chums

Feature | Topic: Humour | One Two Testing, May 1984

The Dumb Chums

Feature | Topic: Humour | One Two Testing, Jun 1984


Feature | Topic: Humour | One Two Testing, Jul 1984


Feature | Topic: Humour | One Two Testing, Aug 1984


Feature | Topic: Humour | One Two Testing, Sep 1984

Ten Great Moments In Rock'n'Roll

Feature | Topic: Humour | One Two Testing, Sep 1984

artist's impression


Feature | Topic: Humour | One Two Testing, Oct 1984


Feature | Topic: Humour | One Two Testing, Nov 1984


Feature | Topic: Humour | One Two Testing, Dec 1984

frankie say holocaust

The Dumb Chums

Feature | Topic: Humour | One Two Testing, Jan 1985

meet a violent small business man

A Christmas Carol

Feature | Topic: Humour | One Two Testing, Jan 1985

dickens in post-punk art shock

The Dumb Chums

Feature | Topic: Humour | One Two Testing, Mar 1985

go headbanging with The Nuge

The Dumb Chums

Feature | Topic: Humour | One Two Testing, May 1985

The Dumb Chums

Feature | Topic: Humour | One Two Testing, Jun 1985

and blubber to match

The Dumb Chums

Feature | Topic: Humour | One Two Testing, Jul 1985

and a very sick whale

The Dumb Chums

Feature | Topic: Humour | One Two Testing, Aug 1985

get charitable

The Dumb Chums

Feature | Topic: Humour | One Two Testing, Sep 1985

The Dumb Chums

Feature | Topic: Humour | One Two Testing, Oct 1985

jools for god

The Dumb Chums

Feature | Topic: Humour | One Two Testing, Nov 1985

The Dumb Chums

Feature | Topic: Humour | One Two Testing, Dec 1985

Dumb Chumbs

Group: One Two Tidings

Feature | One Two Testing, Jan 1986

extended yuletide cartooning

OTT Cut Out Gig

Group: One Two Tidings

Feature | Topic: Humour | One Two Testing, Jan 1986

star gigs in your own home

The Dumb Chums

Feature | Topic: Humour | Making Music, Apr 1986

Introducing our cartoon group whose sole intention is to make you laugh (and get a record deal)



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