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Search results

Sting in a Tale

Interview | Electronics & Music Maker, Aug 1985

Arrested whilst gigging with a bunch of jazz musicians in Paris, Sting talks to Paul Tingen about his new album, the inadequacies of high technology, and the future of The Police.

Double Dutch

Interview | Electronics & Music Maker, Aug 1985

Paul Tingen takes a look behind the scenes with Mai Tai production duo Eric van Tijn and Jochum Fluitsma — and finds out about songwriting, recording and home-made samplers.

The Noise of Art

Interview | Electronics & Music Maker, Nov 1985

The man who brought computers to Frankie and programmed his way to chart infamy with The Art of Noise, fits in an interview before going out to play some very English sport. Paul Tingen fills in the scorecard.

Café Society

Interview | Electronics & Music Maker, Jan 1986
Penguin Cafe Orchestra

Obscure orchestra leader, Simon Jeffes intrigues Paul Tingen with stories of self-discovery in Japan, and finding music in one note.

The Musician's Producer

Interview | Electronics & Music Maker, Feb 1986

In his first-ever interview with the British press, the ‘musician’s producer’ lets Paul Tingen in on a few of his most heavily-guarded studio secrets.

King Of Techno Pop

Interview | Electronics & Music Maker, Apr 1986

Few producers begin their careers with experimental bands, become world-renowned for their work with electronic pop, and then turn their attention to traditional rock music. Paul Tingen talks to Mike Howlett, a man of many talents.

The Thinking Man's Guide To Production

Interview | Electronics & Music Maker, Jun 1986

One of Britain's most versatile producers talks about working with Howard Jones, forming a new band, and the importance of communication. Paul Tingen listens.

Modes of Operation

Interview | Electronics & Music Maker, Aug 1986

After five years at the top of the electropop tree, Basildon boys Martin Gore and Alan Wilder talk tech with Paul Tingen.

Mr Versatility

Interview | Electronics & Music Maker, Oct 1986

While many producers are content to work within one or two musical styles, Peter Collins casts a much wider net - using high technology to increase the number of possibilities open to him.

When The Going Gets Tough

Feature | Topic: Music Business | Music Technology, Nov 1986

Recording your own music is only the first step to getting it heard; to do that, you need to deal with A&R people at record companies. Paul Tingen meets them, and discovers why so few bands succeed in impressing them.

Would Your Mother Recognise You On The Radio?

Interview | Music Technology, Jan 1987

...Is one of the producers responsible for the new wave of guitar-based pop. Paul Tingen finds he has plenty to say about modern music technology, not all of it favourable.

Hands Across the Keyboard

Interview | Music Technology, Feb 1987

Veteran songwriter Peter Hammill and programmer Paul Ridout have used some revolutionary applications of MIDI technology in the creation of Hammill's latest album. Paul Tingen interviews them, and comes away suitably impressed.

In The Heart Of The Country

Feature | Topic: Recording Studios | Music Technology, Apr 1987
The Wool Hall

If you earn a fortune in royalties from record sales and you want your own recording studio, what do you do? If you're Tears For Fears, you build The Wool Hall. Paul Tingen reports.

The Sound of Success

Interview | Music Technology, Apr 1987

Still in his early 30s, yet a man who's worked with The Police, Genesis, Bowie and McCartney, Padgham is one of the most successful young producers in the world. Paul Tingen coaxes him into revealing a few secrets.

Present Yourself

Feature | Topic: Education, Live, Performing | Music Technology, May 1987

Having trouble projecting the right image on-stage? Paul Tingen reports on a unique way of improving your performing confidence, and your outlook on music in general.

The Price of Fame

Interview | Music Technology, May 1987

...Is already hugely successful as an engineer, producer, musician and programmer for the likes of Grace Jones and Frankie Goes To Hollywood. Paul Tingen finds fame has made him disillusioned and cynical.

Shock Treatment

Interview | Music Technology, Jun 1987

Take three musicians who like to remain anonymous, four film-makers and a stunning live show, and you've got one of the most original - if unsung - bands in Britain today.

Stranger in a Strange World

Interview | Music Technology, Aug 1987

Japan's most respected technopop pioneer has recently finished an album that breaks new ground for him - it involves live musicians. He discusses his new LP and his other projects with Paul Tingen.

French Lessons

Interview | Music Technology, Sep 1987

The co-producer of Level 42's last two records has also lent his keyboard playing skills to the likes of Grace Jones, Robert Palmer, Mick Jagger and Talking Heads. He discusses his roles as programmer, synth player and producer with Paul Tingen.

Creating Chaos

Interview | Music Technology, Oct 1987

Currently enjoying the success of U2's 'The Joshua Tree' album, this French-Canadian producer talks to Paul Tingen about his hand in this, Peter Gabriel's 'So' and other projects.

Slave to the Great Outdoors

Interview | Music Technology, Dec 1987

After an apprenticeship under the wing of the Frankies' Trevor Horn, Simon Darlow spreads his own; he talks to Paul Tingen about the hazards of writing, playing and producing your own album.

Fumbling in the Dark

Interview | Music Technology, Jan 1988

When a Liverpudlian keyboard player lost faith in Immaterial things he found salvation in the Christians. Paul Tingen listens to the confessions of Henry Priestman.

Art & Science

Interview | Music Technology, Apr 1988
JJ Jeczalik

With the title track from the film Dragnet currently on release, the Art of Noise are still newsworthy. Paul Tingen talks to JJ Jeczalik about sampling, Frankie Goes To Hollywood and court cases.

World Machine

Interview | Music Technology, Nov 1988

Could you make music using only samples from natural sources? Paul Tingen talks to a band who've done just that in an attempt to draw attention to our environment.

Ian Anderson

Interview | Home & Studio Recording, Mar 1989

Jethro Tull's main man takes us behind the fish farmer exterior and into his home studio.



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