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Results: 1 - 10 of 10 displayed.
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The Boy Keeps SwingingInterview | International Musician & Recording World, Jan 1985A little Tonight music from the thin white one, his band, his producer, Uncle Tom Ziggy and all |
Electric FireInterview | International Musician & Recording World, Jan 1985Bono's boys give away a few secrets from the Fire department, Adrian Deevoy and Philip Bashe team up and get close to the Edge |
That Was Then But This Is NowFeature | Topic: History / Culture | International Musician & Recording World, Jan 1985How it was done in the heyday of Pop - Philip Bashe tracked down the bands your dad snogged along to and found out the history of the '60s hits |
Mick's MixInterview | International Musician & Recording World, Jun 1985Philip Bashe and Don McLeese stop a lone Stone stateside |
This Is Gordon SumnerInterview | International Musician & Recording World, Jul 1985The high priest of Pop discusses his solo album, musicianship, songwriting and The Police. |
Power PlantInterview | International Musician & Recording World, Sep 1985Vintage advice from the veteran vocalist and his experienced ensemble. Philip Bashe met the old hand in New York |
BuzzNews | International Musician & Recording World, Dec 1985What's going on? Turn to page 14 and find out |
To Be FrankInterview | International Musician & Recording World, Dec 1985Chronicles of a moustachioed maestro. Philip Bashe reporting. |
The Zillion Dollar MenInterview | International Musician & Recording World, Mar 1986Will the new-look ABC find success as easy as 1-2-3? Or will their latest Lexicon of Love lose something in the translation? Philip Bashe finds out. |
Idol HandsInterview | International Musician & Recording World, Jul 1986William Tells all to Philip Bashe |
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