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Search results

Drumware Soundfiler

Review | Music Technology, Mar 1988
Akai S900 Editor for the Atari ST

This comprehensive visual sample-editing package from America could be the answer to many S900 owner's prayers. Vic Lennard says: have ST will travel.

Hybrid Arts GenPatch

Review | Music Technology, Apr 1988
Software for the Atari ST

A generic patch librarian from a familiar American company. Vic Leonard looks at a convenient way of solving the problems of patch storage and organisation - provided you've got an ST.

Exclusive Information

Feature | Topic: MIDI | Music Technology, Aug 1988

System Exclusive messages promised to make MIDI a flexible and powerful communications standard; instead it seems to have caused MIDI havoc. Vic Lennard takes an Exclusive look.

Digital Music Corporation MX8

Review | Music Technology, Sep 1988
MIDI Patchbay Processor

From America: a 1U-high black box which combines MIDI patching, merging and processing capabilities. Vic Lennard encounters a new twist in MIDI processing.

Roland E660

Review | Music Technology, Oct 1988
Digital Parametric Equaliser

The advantages of programmability and the power of MIDI spread further into the studio environment. Vic Lennard checks out Roland's programmable parametric equaliser.

Friendchip SRC/AT

Review | Music Technology, Nov 1988
MIDI Synchroniser

It's not the cheapest synchroniser money can buy, but it's sophisticated and flexible enough to become one of the most popular. Vic Leonard gets in sync.

Pandora Technology Powertools M1 Editor

Review | Music Technology, Dec 1988
Software for the Atari ST

If you're looking for an easy approach to programming your new Korg M1 workstation, this Atari ST program could be for you. Vic Lennard goes to work with a mouse.

Dr T'S D110 Editor

Review | Music Technology, Jan 1989
Software for the Atari ST

The latest in Dr T's Caged Artist series of editors is an Atari ST program for Roland's popular D110 synthesis mdule. Vic Lennard takes his L/A the easy way.

Akai S950 Digital Sampler

Review | Music Technology, Jan 1989

As musicians demand ever more from their samplers, Akai replace the studio-standard S900 with an enhanced machine. Vic Lennard samples the march of progress.

Tascam 238

Review | Music Technology, Jan 1989
Eight-track cassette recorder

The four-track cassette recorder revolutionised home recording and significantly changed the recording industry; will the eight-track cassette have a similar effect? Vic Lennard goes on record.

DACS MIDI Patchbay

Review | Music Technology, Feb 1989

Tense, nervous headache? Then you've probably got a patching problem in your studio. Vic Leonard looks at a cost-effective solution to MIDI-patching nightmares.

Symetrix 511A Noise Reduction Unit

Review | Music Technology, Feb 1989

Noise reduction is an essential part of any professional recording; but there's more than one way of providing it and more than one way of using it. Silence is golden to Vic Lennard.

Soundbits Roland 3D Editor/Librarian

Review | Music Technology, Feb 1989
Software for the Atari ST

Good news for you Roland D10, D20 and D110 owners comes in the form of this Atari ST editing software. "I could do with a D", says Vic Leonard.

Toa MR8T

Review | Music Technology, Feb 1989
Eight-track cassette recorder

When the first Portastudio was launched, it caused a revolution in the recording industry - now you can put eight tracks on the same tape. Vic Lennard punches in.

Steinberg Twelve

Review | Music Technology, Feb 1989
Software for the Atari ST

If your music's been demanding a Steinberg sequencer but your pocket's been denying you Pro24, this new budget package could be your salvation. Baby talk: Vic Leonard.

Fostex R8

Review | Music Technology, Mar 1989
Eight-track reel-to-reel recorder

As 8-track tape recording takes its first steps onto cassette, Fostex introduce another revolutionary idea: the reel-to-reel tape deck with a detachable control panel. Vic Lennard does it from a distance.

Roland R880

Review | Music Technology, Mar 1989
Digital Reverb Unit

Digital reverberation technology is recognised for making reverb units cheap, but the same technology means a little more money buys a lot more power. Vic Lennard reflects on the R880.

Akai S950

Review | Home & Studio Recording, Mar 1989

The successor to Akai's industry standard S900 hits the streets.

Kawai K1 Visual Editors

Review | Music Technology, Mar 1989
Software for the Atari ST

Coupled with its success, the digital parameter access-editing of Kawai's K1 synthesiser has made it an obvious target for software editors - like these from Dr Ts, Soundbits, Drumware and Steinberg. Vic Lennard looks on.

Audix Microphones

Review | Home & Studio Recording, Mar 1989

A new range of American mics that sound and look good.

MIDI Merge Boxes

Review | Music Technology, Apr 1989
Philip Rees 2M & Groove Electronics MIIM MIDI Mergers

When the usual MIDI In, Out and Thru that appear on most of your MIDI gear are unable to manage your MIDI data, outside help is in order. Vic Lennard has the urge to merge with Philip Rees' 2M and Groove Electronics' MIIM.

Steinberg Synthworks D10/20/110/MT32

Review | Music Technology, Apr 1989
Software for the Atari ST

Steinberg's Atari editor for the Roland D10 also works for the MT32 - or is that Steinberg's D110 editor works with the D20? Vic Lennard gets generic with Synthworks.

MIDI In Control

Feature | Topic: MIDI | Music Technology, Apr 1989

MIDI is regularly used to perform tasks as varied as switching notes on and off, storing patch libraries and controlling mixes, but can it control sound itself? Vic Lennard looks at the uses of MIDI noise gates.

The Small Print - Part 1

Feature Series | Topic: MIDI | Music Technology, May 1989
Reading MIDI Implementation Charts

If you regard MIDI Implementation charts as being indecipherable tables of numbers, you could be ignoring an easy way of solving your MIDI problems. Vic Lennard opens a series of articles on how to read the small print.

Elka CR99

Review | Music Technology, May 1989
MIDI Disk Recorder

Meanwhile, Elka have called their CR99 a MIDI Disk Recorder rather than a MIDI sequencer. Vic Lennard goes on record with a MIDI sequencer with a few surprises up its sleeve.



Small Print

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