News | Electronics & Music Maker, Jul 1986News from the front about new Emulators, schools for the inquisitive, and a preview of this year's British Music Fair - all in Newsdesk. |
News | Music Technology, Aug 1988Have you heard the news? The Music Technology newsdesk keeps bringing you up-to-date with current musical events and technological developments. |
News | Music Technology, Nov 1987Names and dates to watch. If it's in the news, it's in Newsdesk. |
News | Music Technology, Jul 1991World famous clairvoyant Doris Stokes' secret revealed at last: she used MT's Newsdesk to keep in touch. Don't get left behind by hi-tech developments. |
News | Music Technology, Oct 1989Financial quarter report follows... New Sunday newspaper offers no threat to major monthly music periodical. If it's news, it's in Newsdesk. |
News | Music Technology, Feb 1991Another batch of hot news from the world of hi-tech music is yours for the reading in this month's Newsdesk. Keeping your ear to the ground couldn't be easier... |
News | Music Technology, May 1991Sentient life discovered in Birmingham; scientific fraternity in turmoil - perhaps not, but MT's Newsdesk is alive with equally enticing news from the world of hi-tech music and equipment. |
News | Music Technology, Sep 1990Hot news in this month's Newsdesk includes word of a Proteus upgrade, new Cubeat sequencing software from Steinberg and the winners of MT's Sequencer One competition. Get informed. |
News | Music Technology, Dec 1991There's a lot of bad noos around at the moment; rising unemployment, increased business bankruptcies, imminent NHS privatisation - happily, you'll only find good news in MT's Newsdesk. |
News | Music Technology, Mar 1989Stabilant 22 - Stanley Kubrick's new sci-fi epic, a miracle cure for AIDS or merely the latest brand of shaving foam to be found at Rita Fairclough's "Cabin"? This and more in this month's Newsdesk. |
News | Music Technology, Oct 1990An announcement of the winners of copies of Keynote Software's Chameleon librarian in a recent MT competition join the usual selection of hi-tech equipment and music news in this month's Newsdesk. |
News | Music Technology, Sep 1989The latest news of the latest hi-tech events and developments is here in Newsdesk. Anyone want to spend a day in a name studio with a name producer? |
News | Music Technology, Mar 1990Murder 'orrible murder, read all about it, police dumbfounded. OK, no actual murders this month, but there's plenty of hi-tech musical news in Newsdesk. |
News | Music Technology, Jun 1991... new Aiwa pro DAT machine... new Digitech voice processor... stolen gear alert... bargain Yamaha MT2X multitrack MIDI controllers... Roland MV30 memory update. .. more in Newsdesk... |
News | Music Technology, Dec 1990Forget the Gulf, forget the ERM, forget Polly Peck - possibly the only place in the world today where you're certain to hear only good news is MT's Newsdesk. Read and smile. |
News | Music Technology, Feb 1990Better informed than The Chart Show, better dressed than The Clothes Show and a better read than The Media Show. If it's news it's in Newsdesk. |
News | Music Technology, Apr 1991If no news really is good news, then Newsdesk is bad news indeed. But if you're eager to keep up with the latest news from the world of hi-tech equipment, don't dare miss it. |
News | Music Technology, Jan 1990No news may be good news, but it doesn't keep you too well informed. MT's Newsdesk, on the other hand, is better informed than Dot Cotton. |
News | Music Technology, Nov 1990News (n). 1. current events; important or recent happenings. 2. information about such events. 3. interesting or important information not previously known or realised. 4. as evidenced by Music Technology's Newsdesk. |
News | Music Technology, Dec 1989If it's news in the world of hi-tech music and technology, you can keep up to date through Music Technology's Newsdesk. No news is bad news. |
News | Electronics & Music Maker, Jul 1985If it’s news, you’ll read it here first. |
News | Electronics & Music Maker, May 1986Read all about it on E&MM's up-to-the-minute bulletin board. |
News | Electronics & Music Maker, Feb 1985If it's important and it's just happened, you'll find news of it here. |
News | Electronics & Music Maker, Jan 1985The products and events that'll make January's headlines. |
News | Electronics & Music Maker, Oct 1984Upcoming products, books, records and events. |