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Apple HyperCard | |
Software for the Apple MacintoshArticle from Music Technology, January 1988 |
A computer program that teaches you how to use your gear? Jim Burgess checks out a package for the Apple Macintosh that threatens to make the users' manual a thing of the past.
A new interactive database-style program from Apple that puts a new perspective on the Apple Macintosh computer and education - yours.
HYPERCARD IS AN interactive system designed to work as a unique information centre. It can be used to look for and store text, custom graphics and digitised photographs. Unlike a book, which has a linear format (you flip from one page to the next), HyperCard's interactive capabilities let you associate any one piece of information with any other. By modelling itself on our thought processes (association processes), HyperCard lets you find out what you need to know in the easiest, and therefore fastest, way.
HyperCard's primary applications are education, training, organisation and presentation. But that's just the beginning; there are literally thousands of unique applications waiting to be discovered by creative HyperCard programmers in the coming months.
HYPERCARD STORES INFORMATION in the form of "cards." A card is actually a screen of data, and each card can call upon custom graphics, a number of text fields and one more important thing: buttons. They're the link that lets you "connect" one card to another.
LETS GO THROUGH the motions of creating a simple HyperCard stack. Suppose you want to create a sound Stack to keep track of every synthesiser or sampler sound you've got; a kind of sound database that tells you what sound's what, how good they all are, and which disks to find them on.
Starting with HyperCard's built-in paint tools, you create a custom design for your card. You might prefer simply to modify an existing card to suit your purposes or create a new one from scratch - a feature with particular appeal to those with an eye for computer graphics. Either way, you'll find a complete selection of paint tools all nested together under the menu. If you're doing something that needs a lot of access to the paint tools, you can "tear off' the menu and use it as a window that sits anywhere on the screen.
"Looks to me like MacPaint", I hear you say. The reason for that is that the person most responsible for HyperCard's creation and the author of Macpaint are one-and-the-same, Apple's own Bill Atkinson. Not coincidentally, HyperCard's graphics capabilities resemble a much-improved version of MacPaint...
By creating your custom card graphics in Background mode, you can create a template that can be used to add new cards to the stack any time you need to without having to re-draw them from scratch.
INTERACTIVITY IS A buzzword you've been hearing a lot lately. Resign yourself to it because you're going to be hearing a lot more of it. HyperCard for one, has definitely arrived.
An interesting and important trend that seems to be developing as a result of software like HyperCard is that the distinction between the software programmer and the user is beginning to blur. Users can now customise their own software or make it from scratch. And that's got to be a good thing.
In fact, interactive applications like HyperCard are likely to permanently change the way we educate and train ourselves. Learning can not only become more fun, but more effective too. Never before has one person been able to gain access to so much information this quickly.
So the final question must be, how does it all relate to music? We can only wait and see...
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Review by Jim Burgess
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