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Article from One Two Testing, October 1986

What's new

There seems to be a distinct lack of news this month. Everybody churned all their new ideas out in time for the BMF and now there appears to be something of a vacuum. Those of you living beyond easy reach of Olympia are probably feeling somewhat pissed of that you didn't get a chance to see all these wonderful new toys but wait...

... The fourth annual East Midlands Guitar Show is set to take place on the evening of tuesday November 25 at The Old Vic Tavern, Fletcher Gate, Nottingham. The show is being organised by Foulds Music of Nottingham and manufacturers who have already confirmed displays include Manson, Overwater, Kinkade, Jaydee, Fingerbone and Douglas.

The happy couple

Q: Who said: "Separately we are acknowledged leaders in our own fields. Together we are unbeatable. Here we come..."

a) Hughes and lineker?
b) Parr and Loaf?
c) McLoughlin and Paiste?

The answer, of course, is (c). These immortal words were trumpeted by the main men of Premier and Paiste while announcing their alliance to represent each other in their respective manors. Paiste have in fact been representing Premier in Switzerland and Germany since April and the new deal means that Premier will represent Paiste exclusively in the UK.

Quasar Xe 900

DJs and lighting boffins may well be interested in an innovative Strobe Projector recently launched by Optikinetics. The Quasar Xe 900 may be used either on its own or in multiples sequenced by one of Optikinetics' multi-channel strobe control units producing apparently stunning effects. Its Xenon Flash tube is guaranteed for fifteen million flashes. All this and you'll still get 75 pence change from £800. Contact: Optikinetics Limited, (Contact Details).


Those of you living beyond easy reach of Olympia and Nottingham may derive some comfort from the knowlege that Supercussion have bowed to popular demand and decided to manufacture congas. They're made of fibre glass and have fold away legs so they can be adjusted to suit various playing styles. They come in three different sizes, the 11" Quinto, the 11¾" Conga and the 12½" Tumba and only one finish is available, that being a very tasteful black bottom and white top. There's no mention of prices other than their being 'affordable'.

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Publisher: One Two Testing - IPC Magazines Ltd, Northern & Shell Ltd.

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One Two Testing - Oct 1986


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