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mu:zines is the result of thousands of hours of effort, and will require many thousands more going forward to reach our goals of getting all this content online.

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15 Ways to Leave Your Label

Feature | Topic: Humour, Music Business | One Two Testing, May 1985

the tricks of quitting

20 Things You Didn't Know About Being Famous

Feature | Topic: Humour | One Two Testing, Mar 1984

Exclusive: the truth about stardom.

30 Things To Do Before You're Famous

Feature | Topic: Humour | Making Music, Oct 1987

A Christmas Carol

Feature | Topic: Humour | One Two Testing, Jan 1985

dickens in post-punk art shock

A+R Approaches

Feature | Topic: Humour, Music Business | Making Music, Aug 1986

Ad Speak

Feature | Topic: Humour | Making Music, Oct 1987

Age Fright

Feature | Topic: Humour | Making Music, Apr 1986

Did you ever wish old people liked the same music as you? This will stop you.

An Inside Job

Feature | Topic: Humour | Making Music, May 1986

Shock discovery for instrument makers - funny you should say that.

Angle Of The Dangle

Feature | Topic: Humour | One Two Testing, Nov 1982

PEEK AND POKE: dubious guitar history/strap height/input overstrain??? CLEAR SCREEN

Animal Magic

Feature | Topic: Humour | One Two Testing, Jan 1983

You too can have the body of Charles Atlas, the stamina of Roger Bannister and the tattoos of the Anti-Nowhere League. Exercise is good for you. Follow the One Two body building course for muscles of plaster.

Are You A Musician?

Feature | Topic: Humour | One Two Testing, Dec 1984

find out once and for all

Biggles and the PT50

Feature | Topic: Humour | One Two Testing, Jan 1984

Our intrepid aviator battles the latest yellow peril.

Brief Encounter

Feature | Topic: Humour | Making Music, Apr 1987

cheeky parts

Bum, Gob and Tea

Feature | Topic: Humour | One Two Testing, Nov 1983

Just what have the Japanese done to the Engrish Ranguage?

Can You Make It More Green?

Feature | Topic: Humour, Performing | One Two Testing, Mar 1984
Session Drumming

All the secrets from Andy Duncan.

Can't Play, Won't Play

Feature | Topic: Humour | One Two Testing, Nov 1983
How To Be A Non-Musician

An invaluable guide for the anti-instrumentalist.


Feature | Topic: Humour | One Two Testing, Sep 1984


Feature | Topic: Humour | One Two Testing, Dec 1984

frankie say holocaust


Feature | Topic: Humour | One Two Testing, Aug 1984


Feature | Topic: Humour | One Two Testing, Nov 1984


Feature | Topic: Humour | One Two Testing, Jul 1984


Feature | Topic: Humour | One Two Testing, Oct 1984

Chips From The Editor's Workbench

Feature | Topic: Humour | Making Music, Jul 1986

Joking apart, this one-off practical column makes the rest of the magazine look quite serious.

Christmas Dumb Chums

Feature | Topic: Humour | Making Music, Dec 1986

A full-page seasonal mix of the cartoon group who aim to have you a-chortling among the leads so clean.

Coping With Hair Loss The Pop Star Way

Feature | Topic: Humour, Marketing / Promotion | Making Music, Jan 1987
Brave Brave Baldies

Famous rock star people will go a long way to conceal their gleaming domes. These are the tricks, follicle fans.



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