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Electronics & Music Maker - April 1985

Still Going Strong

The art of perseverance.

This article has no OCR bodytext.Interface

Another dip into E&MM's bulging postbag.

This article has no OCR bodytext.Newsdesk Special

All the latest electronic music news, plus a photographic appendix to last month's Frankfurt Music Fair report.

Siel DK80 Polysynth

Dynamic Bitimbric Polysynth

It boasts a list of features as long as your arm and a price tag that makes it one of the most accessible MIDI polysynths, but does the musical reality fulfil the paper promises? Trish McGrath reports.

Pearl DRX1 Electronic Drums

Another acoustic drum manufacturer gives tradition the thumbs down and goes electronic. Paul White takes an in-depth look at Pearl's first futuristic percussion offering.

Hi-Tech Xpansion

As Yamaha's 'X' range of hi-tech hardware continues to grow, Dan Goldstein and Trish McGrath present an exclusive appraisal of two of the range's most affordable additions, the TX7 FM Expander and QX7 MIDI Keyboard Recorder.

Linn 9000

Digital Drum Machine and Keyboard Recorder

The people who introduced the world to the concept of digital drums have now applied their expertise to MIDI keyboard recording. Paul Wiffen gives his verdict.

Zlatna Panega ACS100

Tucked away in one corner of the Frankfurt Music Fair was an astonishing sound-sampling device with origins in Eastern Europe. Paul White and Dan Goldstein have managed to get their hands on the first model to appear in the West.

Delta SX301

Add-on for Digital Delay Lines

Paul White and an ingenious 'black box' that gives older-generation digital delay lines a sampling capability.

Another Chapter In The Story...

Keith Emerson

Tired of lurking in the shadows of the contemporary music scene, Keith Emerson, one of the synth world's most influential figures, is now on the verge of re-forming ELP, the band that earned him his reputation.

On Stage
Show Report

Klaus Schulze

Klaus Schulze seems reluctant to play any gigs in the UK, with the result that his dedicated fans are forced to cross the Channel in order to see him play.

The Isle is Full of Noises

Tim Souster

...was the title of The South Bank Show's much-criticised electronic music extravaganza of a couple of months back. Here the programme's musical consultant, composer Tim Souster, argues the case in favour of the show's content.

White China

China Crisis

Liverpool's China Crisis are poised for their third album release this month. It shows a marked maturing of styles and attitudes, due partly to the intervention of producer Walter Becker. Dan Goldstein probes the matter further.

The Time Machine

Not, as its name might imply, a wondrous device capable of predicting next week's racing results, but a handy build-it-yourself project that divides down sequencer and drum machine clock pulses. Designer Paul White has the full story.

Back to Basics Part 4

Steve Howell continues our beginner's guide to synthesisers by describing how sounds are shaped by amplifiers and envelope generators.


The readers' synth sound page. Instruments featured this month include the Roland SH101, Yamaha DX7 and Korg Poly 61.

This article has no OCR bodytext.The Dirty Dozen

Answer 12 less-than-straightforward questions related to shabbily reproduced archive photographs, and you could win yourself an Akai AX80 polysynth.

Short Circuit

The MIDI Index

We present The MIDI Index, a cost-effective - though as yet untested - circuit that enables Omni only MIDI synths to receive information in Poly mode.

Sight Reading

Yamaha DX7 Digital Synthesizer

E&MM's resident FM expert, Jay Chapman, takes a critical flick through the pages of a new book intended to ease the programming on Yamaha's DX7 poly.

Powertran BBC-MIDI Interface Part 1

Software writer Jim Grant and hardware designer Tim Orr begin our two-part coverage of a new interface that can connect an MCS1 to a BBC Micro using non-MIDI codes

Article Group:
Computer Musician

Computer Musician - Rumblings

The latest on Atari's astonishing new musical micro, plus news from software people Mimetics and Passport Designs.

Datel Sound Sampler

Hardware and Software for Sinclair Spectrum

E&MM new-boy Simon Trask gets his teeth into a Spectrum-based sampling system that retails for no more than £50.

BeeBMIDI Part 8

Jay Chapman goes through the rest of the functions our own DX editing program, DX7ED, is capable of executing.

The Fairlight Explained Part 7

More scintillating graphics displays as our CMI series comes to Page 6. Jim Grant puts the text in between the pictures.

SDS DX7 Voice Editor

Software for Sinclair Spectrum

Gerry Queen gets ridiculously over-enthusiastic about a Sound Design Studio program that does for the Spectrum what Yamaha's own DX7 Voice Editor does for the CX5M.

Electronics & Music Maker - Music Maker Publications (UK), Future Publishing.


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