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Electronics & Music Maker - June 1985


Sex & Drugs & High Technology

Sex and drugs and high technology.

This article has no OCR bodytext.Interface

The sampling controversy rages, as an army of letter-writing E&MM readers leaps to the technique's defence.

This article has no OCR bodytext.Newsdesk

The new Simmons kits, Music 500 winners, UK Electronica '85, and more. Remember, you'll read it here first.

Oberheim Matrix 12

Programmable 12-Voice Multi-timbral Polysynth

The world's most awesome analogue polysynth finally gets the attention it deserves, as Simon Trask finds out just what you can do with two Xpanders and a row of black-and-white keys.

Anvil Percussion Synthesiser

An all-British sound-sampling and drum-synthesising MIDI percussion machine with built-in sequencer gets an exclusive preview courtesy of David Ellis - there's even comment from the designers.

Take a Stand

There's no point having a mass of electronic keyboards if you've got nothing to mount them on, but how many keyboard stands are available, and what do they offer? Trish McGrath stands up to the lot of them in an extensive survey.


For what was supposed to be a universal interface, MIDI has trouble enough staying in touch with itself, let alone the outside world. Tim Goodyer looks at four auxiliary units that set out to improve matters.

Casio CZ5000

Programmable Phase Distortion Polysynth with Sequencer

Continuing their fight for pro keyboard acceptance, Casio double the CZ1000's voices and throw in a multitrack sequencer for good measure. Simon Trask casts a critical eye over the results.

Music Production Checklist

The price guide to beat all price guides continues with a rundown of available sequencers, software packages and computer music systems.

This article has no OCR bodytext.Out-Takes
Music Review

A new-look roundup of tapes, records and music in general takes to the air for the first time. You ain't seen nothing yet.

The Boddy In Question

Ian Boddy

Northern electronic music exponent Ian Boddy answers questions from Tim Goodyer about the recording of his new album, live performance, and music synthesis.

The King's Keys


Life on the road with a successful pop band, described in graphic detail by King keyboardsman Mick Roberts. Interview by Tim Goodyer.

Loose Connections

Loose Ends

Justifiably unwilling to be written off as just another funk act, Loose Ends talk tactics, technique and technology into Tim Goodyer's Walkman mic.

Tech Talk

Dave Simmons

Dave Simmons, the man behind the name on the hexagonal pad, holds forth on the past, present and future of electronic percussion. Paul White listens.

Back to Basics Part 6

The LFO and its applications are this month's subjects in Steve Howell's story of sound synthesis from first principles.

An Emulator for £10

Well, not quite, but a hardware add-on for the original Powertran DDL that brings it up to scratch in the contemporary world of sound-sampling. Circuit designer Patrick Shipsey reveals all.


Casio's CZ101 joins the ranks of old favourites DX7, SH101 and Poly 800 as the subject of this month's readers' sound patches.

Article Group:
Computer Musician


As Fifth Generation computing takes more definite shape, David Ellis goes crystal ball-gazing in an attempt to predict its musical implications.


Digital synthesis for the IBM PC, sound-sampling for the Apple II, and drum composing for the Commodore 64. David Ellis has the details.

Microsound Digital Music System

MIDI Sampling Hardware and Software for Commodore 64

In which a long-awaited, British-built sampling hardware/software package for the CBM64 catches MIDI and makes it to the review stage. Simon Trask reports.

XRI Micon System Controller

MIDI Software for Spectrum Micro

A MIDI interface and sequencer that attempts to do an awful lot on a machine capable of doing comparatively little - the Sinclair Spectrum. Another review by that man Trask.

The Fairlight Explained Part 9

Delving ever further into the Computer Musical Instrument from down-under, Jim Grant samples the delights of Page 9's real-time sequencer.

Fairlight Goes MIDI

At last, the CMI frees itself from the constraints of an analogue interface and starts talking MIDI. Paul Wiffen checks out the results.

The Art of Going Soft Part 2

Jay Chapman takes a bold step for novice programmers, as he presents a Pascal program that converts musical note values into a language computers can understand. Don't worry if it leaves you standing.

Electronics & Music Maker - Music Maker Publications (UK), Future Publishing.


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