Magazine Archive

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In Tune

Jump to year: 1984 | 1985 | 1986

December 1984 (Active)

This issue has been processed and is live.

Donated by: Gordon Reid

Jump to year: 1984 | 1985 | 1986

January 1985 (Active)

This issue has been processed and is live.

Donated by: Gordon Reid

April 1985 (Active)

This issue has been processed and is live.

Donated by: Gordon Reid

June 1985 (Active)

This issue has been processed and is live.

Donated by: Gordon Reid

July/August 1985 (Active)

This issue has been processed and is live.

Donated by: Gordon Reid

October 1985 (Active)

This issue has been processed and is live.

Donated by: Gordon Reid

December 1985 (Active)

This issue has been processed and is live.

Jump to year: 1984 | 1985 | 1986

February 1986 (Active)

This issue has been processed and is live.

May 1986 (Active)

This issue has been processed and is live.

June 1986 (Active)

This issue has been processed and is live.

July 1986 (Active)

This issue has been processed and is live.

November 1986 (Active)

This issue has been processed and is live.

December 1986 (Active)

This issue has been processed and is live.

Donated by: Gordon Reid

In Tune - Moving Music Ltd.


Magazine Info

About In Tune

In Tune was founded by the former editor of Music UK after it's demise, and offered a largely similar general rock/band scope, with a little more hi-tech content than Music UK, and with an improved presentation.

It was a free, ad-supported publication, but never got on a solid financial foothold and didn't last very long.


Gary Cooper


Gary Cooper
Louise Cooper


Louise Cooper
Moving Music Ltd.


13 issues

First issue:

Dec 1984

Last issue:

Dec 1986


Logo change: Nov 86 (Issue 12)


Moving Music Ltd.

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Funds donated this month: £14.00

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