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Article from Polyphony, July/August 1981

New Recording Techniques/Signal Processor to be Unveiled at AES

On October 31 at 7 PM, at the Waldorf-Astoria in New York City, Craig Anderton will present a paper on Synchro-Sonic recording techniques at the 70th Audio Engineering Society Convention . This process optionally ties all signal processors, instruments, and electronic events (vibrato, LFO sweeps, sample-and-hold, etc.) into one rhythmic framework, traceable to one master clock. Many recorded examples, mostly drawn from Craig's upcoming solo album, will demonstrate the considerable potential of Synchro-Sonic music and recording techniques.

Also, Harald Bode, the subject of an upcoming interview in Polyphony by Jay Lee, will be presenting a paper entitled "Psycho-Acoustical Aspects and Musical Applications of an Infinite Phaser". The presentation will include an historical perspective on this type of signal processor, as well as recorded compositions that showcase the process of infinite phasing.

16 Track Studio Console

TEAC ((Contact Details)) has announced the M-16, a mixer with 16 or 24 input positions. Features include 8 main program mixing busses with submaster faders, 8 main board outputs, 2 independent stereo mixing busses, 4 aux mixing busses, 16 meters, 4 band/8 knob bypass-able parametric equalizers, and 3 filters (two high-pass, one low-pass). The M-16 lists for $12,900.


dbx is introducing a two-chip set designed to replace the discrete components in a dbx noise reduction system. For further technical and licensing information, contact dbx at (Contact Details).

Electro-Harmonix Digital Delay Makes Debut

E-H's new device gives up to two seconds of delay; you may also record up to two seconds of music in digital memory and play it back continuously while you play along with it. Claimed specs include delay time, 8 ms to 2 s; high-end frequency response, 12 KHz +3 dB up to 1/2 second, 3.5 KHz +3 dB from 1/2 second up to 2 sec; S/N ratio 85 dB; and distortion, less than 5%. The unit also includes chorus and vibrato capabilities.

Also from E-H is the Graphic Fuzz, which includes a built-in graphic equalizer and preserves the dynamics of your playing. Craig will be reviewing this device in an upcoming issue of Modern Recording & Music magazine.

New from Roland

The MC-4, an updated version of the MC-8, allows programming of up to four pairs of voices from either a synthesizer keyboard and/or the MC-4's calculator style keyboard. Performances can include programmed pitch, rhythm, programmed dynamics, programmed tempo, and more. Tape sync is provided for building multi-track compositions; tape interface allows for storage of composition/performance data. The MC-4 with 48k of memory, which allows up to 11,500 notes of composition/performance at one time, lists for $3295.

New Music from CRI

Composers Recordings, Inc. ((Contact Details)) has released three new albums: Music of Warren Benson (CRI SD 433),. Percussion Mu?ic by Read and MacGregor (CRI SD 444), and New Music From Sweden (Louisville LS 773).

Marshall from Unicord

Unicord ((Contact Details)) has announced the introduction of the Jim Marshall Signature Series Amplifiers. Models include the basic Marshall 50 and 100 Watt lead amplifiers, available in both standard format and with Master Volume, as well as the new model 2000 200 Watt lead and 2001 300 Watt bass units. The latter models utilize a two channel design with channel switching facilities, and FX loop for all channels.

PAIA Manuals Sound Off

PAIA ((Contact Details)) now includes demonstration cassettes with the instruction manuals for their most popular musical instruments. Of particular interest to Polyphony readers will be the fact that the demonstrations of PAIA's Organtua, Proteus I and the Drum were produced by Craig Anderton. As an added bonus, the Proteus I demo includes five new instrumental compositions from Craig commissioned specifically for this tape by PAIA Electronics.

Korg LP-10 Piano

The LP-10 offers mixable acoustic piano, electric piano, and clav timbres in a portable, 22 lb. package. Features include 5 octave keyboard, chorus effect, key transpose switch, variable decay characteristics, and a built-in 6 band graphic equalizer. Korg, division of Unicord, (Contact Details).

Synthesis Information Service in Great Britain

Electronic Computer Synthesizer Sound ((Contact Details)) is a center for the research, development, and promotion of electronic synthesizer sound. Services include: information service and library, list of recordings and publications, distribution center, more.

Music for Health

Those who are interested in music as a healing force should be aware of Halpern Sounds ((Contact Details)). Steven Halpern has recorded numerous albums designed to 'tune" the human body and promote mental/physical/psychic well-being. A book explaining Halpern's philosophy, "Tuning the Human Instrument", is also available. Write to the address above for brochure.

Previous Article in this issue

Build a $5 Analog Programmer

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Tube Tip

Publisher: Polyphony - Polyphony Publishing Company

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Polyphony - Jul/Aug 1981

Donated & scanned by: Mike Gorman


Previous article in this issue:

> Build a $5 Analog Programmer...

Next article in this issue:

> Tube Tip

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