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Article from Home & Studio Recording, March 1984

Judging from the letters we've been receiving lately, an awful lot of our readers seemed to like the review of the Quantec Room Simulator last month. Interest in such 'glamorous' devices is only to be expected, when you begin to think about it. It's a bit like those people who buy glossy, coloured car magazines because they like to read about Ferrari's and Porsche's. So, to satiate their needs further, this month we're looking at another top flight product — the AMS RMX-16 Digital Reverb.

Perhaps the title of the magazine this month should have been 'Home Studio Workshop', for this issue has a heavy bias towards practical articles both large and small - from a full-blown reverb plate to a simple 1 kiloherz test tone oscillator for lining up your tape recorder and mixing desk. This is a good example, actually, of a vital process that should be undertaken whenever important recordings are to be made. The same goes for tape head demagnetising, yet many recordists are blissfully unaware of their importance in the chain of events that make up the recording process.

To set things right HSR, in its coming editions, shall endeavour to explain the techniques involved, for a thorough understanding that will hopefully result in improved recordings all round.

Whoever would have thought that a microphone, once the preserve of the rich studios, would eventually be available for under 10% of the original's cost? Well that is the case with the 'Realistic' Pressure Zone Microphone reviewed in this issue. Undeniably a pure copy of the classic Crown/Amcron PZM original, it sells for the ridiculously low price of £19.95 from local Tandy stores. With the published modification to turn it to balanced operation that we've included with the review, the 'Realistic' begins to live up to its name. Does this mean that we can look forward to a £50 Fostex 8-track copy in the very near future?

Having returned recently from our annual visit to the Frankfurt Music Fair, it was very apparent that the next six months shall see a dramatic influx of new recording-based products into the UK from companies like Dynacord, Aria, Yamaha and Akai.

Yamaha's new products are highlighted on page 6. Their new REV1 Digital Reverb, priced unofficially around the £5000-£6000 mark, sees them entering the professional recording world with a product to match those from AMS and Quantec.

The return of Akai to the arena may be an interesting one. At Frankfurt they were displaying a combined 12 channel mixer and 12 track recorder that uses ½ inch video tape to store the information. The quoted retail price is prohibitive to most at around £5000, but appears to be extremely good value if you consider that a Fostex 16 track and mixer would cost a similar amount, yet are unable to match the Akai's specifications in terms of performance.

If it is at all possible to get our hands on the Akai machine, then you can expect a review of it within the pages of HSR a.s.a.p!

Next article in this issue


Publisher: Home & Studio Recording - Music Maker Publications (UK), Future Publishing.

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Home & Studio Recording - Mar 1984

Editorial by Ian Gilby

Next article in this issue:

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