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Article from One Two Testing, May 1986

Awop! 'offset' is an integer expression in the range 0 to 65535. This is the offset into the segment declared by the last DEF SEG Bop! laser trimmed thick film pc technology is employed to enable a totally discrete hybrid front end Alubop! the EQ section is four-band fixed at the centre frequencies of 60Hz, 250Hz, 5kHz and 12kHz and offering plus or minus 15dB of gain Alop! so we had to lock up two Sony 3324 digital twenty-four tracks from SMPTE via the SRC and all the brass parts were multitracked on the Fairlight Bam! it has light double ended nut boxes plus a side cam action throw-off for the snares and a shallow bed in the bottom bearing edge Boom! full MIDI implementation is, of course, available...

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Publisher: One Two Testing - IPC Magazines Ltd, Northern & Shell Ltd.

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One Two Testing - May 1986

Donated by: Colin Potter


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> Blabber

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