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Article from Polyphony, June 1975 |
Welcome to the first issue of "POLYPHONY", the PAIA people's newsletter and User's Group journal; an information exchange primarily for owners of PAIA equipment. Although personal response to each of the many letters received was an impossible task, we would like to thank you for your overwhelming response to the mention of this publication. The most requested areas of coverage were many of the same ideas which were discussed here at PAIA during preliminary development of this project.
With electronic music synthesis at a critical point in its development, there is a multitude of literature dealing with electronic theory and circuit design on one hand and the related fields of music theory, acoustics and recording techniques on the other for the serious synthesist to delve into. But, with the tremendous growth in popularity of electronic music the time has come to combine this wealth of information into a usable format for electronic music applications.
The avocations and interests of the people owning synthesiser systems are varied; from hobbyists and amateur musicians to recording artiste and physics laboratories. Communication between those who are working with similar equipment, combining capabilities and creativity, could produce more applications than any one individual could realize in a lifetime of work. Many times others will have accomplished things that you are specifically searching for.
"POLYPHONY" is being published in response to a need expressed by you. It is intended to be an information exchange. You are the one who will ultimately mold this publication into what you want and need. We intend to rely heavily on reader contributions with PAIA serving as "Organizer". If you have modifications to recommend, favorite patches, editorial type comments, new product ideas or anything else that might be of interest to the masses, please share them with us.
Our goal is quarterly publication in 1976 but bi-monthly publication is a possibility if enough interest is generated. Remember, we are depending on you for editorial material so spread the word, "Keep those cards and letters coming in" (original, eh ?), and above all - Keep on Synthesizin'!!!
Editorial by Marvin Jones
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