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Music Maker Equipment Scene

Article from Electronics & Music Maker, November 1981

The Technic SX-U90 organ is a development of the U60 introduced over a year ago from National Panasonic in Japan. The instrument undoubtedly has some exciting features for the creative organist, with a stunning clarity from its 125 watt RMS amplifier system and retails at £3,820.

Part of the U-90 controls which includes such features as a programmable sequence rhythm computer, auto phase modulation on presets vocal ensemble, solo synths and percussive presets, orchestral conductor and a voice setting computer that remembers every setting on the organ.

New instruments from Elka include the Sidekick 32, a rhythm unit with 16 rhythms with A/B selection, drumbreaks, instrument balance, retailing at £225, and the RM140 speaker/amp system rated at 100w output, with dual inputs each with graphic equaliser. LED output indicators and priced at £495. New keyboards are the X-50 single manual portable organ with 9 drawbars and 7 presets and the Elkatwin 61 which generates two independent polyphonic layers with 14 presets including organ, strings, guitar, piano and brass, plus electronic chorus effects, de-tuning and bass presets.

The Aria Pro II series "Loco Boy" 1½ watt portable amp that is battery powered and ideal for off-stage tuning of guitars. Retail price £16.90.

A new range of effects boxes from T.C. Electronic and distributed by Gigsville which include phasers, dual parametric equaliser, preamplifier, 4-way remote switch and 4 output 9 volt power supply.

The Gibson ES335 Pro guitar. This is virtually an exact reproduction of the 58/59 dot inlay 335, regarded by many as a collectors item. It has the old type of 50's knobs and pick-ups with a slightly smaller body than the original, but still retaining the 'Mickey Mouse' ears shape prominent at that time. With the original still selling between £1,250 and £2,000, this new version comes at £875. It features a new 3-position bridge, 3-piece mahogany neck, maple body and aged white binding to give it an authentic finish.

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Industry Profile: Roland (UK) Ltd

Publisher: Electronics & Music Maker - Music Maker Publications (UK), Future Publishing.

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Electronics & Music Maker - Nov 1981


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> Landscape Explored

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> Industry Profile: Roland (UK...

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