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On the net

Article from The Mix, March 1995

More news from cyberspace

Addicted to noise

Check out the Internet Underground Music Archive on, for a listing of all manner of underground music. There are no barriers or musical prejudices here, with many of the acts featuring 30 second clips of their music, which you can download for free. Some even include whole tracks to download. There's a wealth of original graphics, and links to other related sites, and the whole thing runs on Silicon Graphics machines making it about the fastest http site on the Web.


Searching for information about that strange sampler you spotted down the second-hand shop? Or simply after some new patches or a software editor for your favourite synth? Then cruise on down to the Music Machines page at:

Headed by a picture of a Wavestation, the site comprises listings of models by manufacturer, as well as textual information about various machines, as and when it is uploaded. Patches for synths are posted there every day, and the site is also home to some interesting software from patch editors and librarians, as well as some other interesting software organised by computer platform. Check out the Analogue Sequencer for the Atari downloaded from this very site by yours truly.

Heart of glass

The Quicktime movie downloaded from PIPE, the Hex/Coldcut/NTone site didn't make it onto last month's CD, owing to a technological hitch. Quite what is logical about a hitch I don't know, but then logic is not the most highly valued commodity in Hex's philosophy, so maybe that's alright then. The site continues to expand, with the sample page a particular delight. If you haven't checked it out yet, you owe it to yourself to open URL The Glass movie has finally made it to the Mac section of this month's CD.

net addresses

The Human League have got themselves a site on the web to promote their new product, and fans can dial them up on

The Echo label, home to such diverse talents as Julian Cope, Anne Dudley, Orang, Nyack and Mel Garside has added their presence to the Web. Fans of any of the above should log on to Alternatively, e-mail the artists as follows: (Contact Details).

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Short takes

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Get on the party line

Publisher: The Mix - Music Maker Publications (UK), Future Publishing.

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The Mix - Mar 1995

Donated by: Colin Potter

Coverdisc: Simon Dell




Previous article in this issue:

> Short takes

Next article in this issue:

> Get on the party line

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