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The Jay Arthur Column

Article from Making Music, September 1987

The Surgeon Of Suss has had his critical scalpel out again. Join him in the Operating Theatre Of The Absurd by sending your samples (of dodgy writing, that is) to: The Registrar, Making Music, (Contact Details).

"Fender Parsley Telecaster..."
Small delicately-flavoured ad, Melody Maker

"If people didn't know either group, they could have easily have thought we were the Mary Chain."
A confused Rudi of A R Kane quoted in Music Week

"Perfect Daze shake, rattle and roar, clenching every spare millimetre of flesh and yanking it to the foreground with unfathomable strength and unquenchable thirst... mutations evolve fluidly: unco-ordinated mayhem that catapults youth, vigour and darn good tunes down our communal throat."
Helen Mean goes out for NME

"When someone throws a trainer on stage in homage, it seems to say far more than I can."
The observant Ian Gittins at a Head gig for Melody Maker

"The guitar sound is pure sunshine; a metaphor for sunspots-in-her-hair."
Simon Reynolds on The Bodines, Melody Maker

"Aphex... The aural exiter."
Sound Technology discover a terminal effect (IM ad)

"...reasonably priced, reliable... the list could go on, but really there isn't any more to say."
Penny Braybrooke gets concise in a Guitarist review

"To prove to yourself that digital signal to noise ratios are attainable for well less than 200 pounds, call Scenic or a stocking dealer soon."
SSE ad in Sound Engineer — perhaps an audio dealer would be better

"In hooking up with Kansas, the once-and-future kingpin in the pantheon of concert rock, Steve Morse has indeed shifted gears."
Bill Milkowski says something or other in Guitar World

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Chord of the Month

Publisher: Making Music - Track Record Publishing Ltd, Nexus Media Ltd.

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Making Music - Sep 1987



Feature by Jay Arthur

Previous article in this issue:

> Letters

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> Chord of the Month

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