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Article from Sound On Sound, May 1988 |
We always like to break new ground here on Sound On Sound. Apart from keeping people on their toes, it helps keep the magazine fresh, lively and interesting for you, the readers. Last month, we launched SOS Shareware - low-cost music-related software - in an effort to promote the concept of computer software in general and to help expand the user base. Well, we were absolutely knocked out by your response and the orders for programs are flooding in daily! If you turn to page 30 you'll see that the number of shareware programs available has now grown from eight to twenty - and there are plenty more to come!
Encouraged by this, we have chosen this month to begin an experimental column called the 'Steinberg Software Page' (page 32). It is unusual in that it is written entirely by Steinberg staff exclusively for this magazine. As MIDI software is so complex and encompasses such wide disciplines, and because it really is impossible to evaluate all the features of a program within the timescale of a conventional review, we have been looking for better ways to help you fully understand the power of today's musical instruments, particularly software. So why choose Steinberg?
Simple. From our research, sales figures show that Steinberg's Pro-24 sequencing software is the most widely used and widely owned MIDI program in the UK at present. If further validation were needed, it has just been voted 'Best Software Of 1987' by SOS readers (see page 10) and was thus the logical candidate. We approached Steinberg's UK distributor, Evenlode Soundworks, to garner their reaction and it is due to their exceptional enthusiasm and support for the idea that we gave it the editorial go-ahead.
As I explained, the Steinberg Software Page is an ongoing experiment and the concept may well be extended to other manufacturer's products - both hard and soft - in future. After all, provided it is not misused as a platform for criticising competitors' products (and I'm here to ensure it won't be!), who better to explain the intricate workings and applications of a complex device than the product designers and support personnel? Let us know what you think and enjoy the issue!
SOS Publications Ltd, publishers of Sound On Sound, urgently require an Assistant Editor to be based full-time in our new St.Ives offices. This is a unique opportunity for someone with a knowledge of recording practices and modern music equipment to join the honoured editorial ranks of Britain's No.1 hi-tech music recording magazine.
The successful applicant must be able to demonstrate a flair for creative writing and a good command of English, as the position will involve writing various equipment reviews, news reports, interviews etc. Previous publishing experience is desirable though not as essential as knowledge of the subject matter, good organisational skills, team spirit, and an ability to work under pressure to hit deadlines.
Some overseas travel is anticipated and a good salary is on offer. If you feel you are right for the position, please apply in writing by 23rd May, enclosing full CV and salary details, to: The Editor, Sound On Sound, (Contact Details).
Editorial by Ian Gilby
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