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Tom Newman

Interview | Sound On Sound, Mar 1987
Tubular Bells, Bayou Moon and other stories

Apart from his claim to fame as the co-producer of Mike Oldfield's hugely successful 'Tubular Bells' album, engineer/producer Tom Newman has most recently been making his mark in the New Age music field with two beautifully recorded albums. Mark Prendergast reports.

Tom Newman - The Producers

Interview | Sound International, Jul 1978

Tom Newman - tubular Tom raps with our own dread feller.

This artist was mentioned in these interviews

Mike Oldfield

Interview | Sound International, Feb 1979

You've read the rest, now read the best... or is it the other way round? Whatever you may have seen elsewhere, we reckon his mate Paul Brett gives us a more accurate picture of life as An Extremely Talented Person With A New Album Just Out.

Claire Hamill - The Power Of The Voice

Interview | Music Technology, Sep 1988

After releasing an album consisting entirely of human vocal samples, Claire Hamill reintroduces the synthesiser to her music. David Bradwell listens to the singer's tale.

Simon Heyworth - Promoting The Soundtrack

Interview | Sound On Sound, May 1986

Janet Angus traces the career of this enterprising sound engineer which ranges from recording Mike Oldfield's 'Tubular Bells' and designing Virgin record stores, to his current pre-occupation with improving the quality of film soundtracks.

This artist was mentioned in these other articles

The New Age Music Conundrum

Feature | Sound On Sound, Jan 1987

What is 'New Age' music? Who plays it, and why is it apparently so popular? Our resident musicologist Mark Prendergast traces its development back to the work of 'new music' composers Arnold Schoenberg and Erik Satie.

New Electronic & Instrumental Music In The Late 1980s

Feature | Sound On Sound, Apr 1989
An overview

Mark Prendergast presents a general overview of record labels, artists, and recordings that make up the exciting area of new electronic and experimental music in the late 1980s.

The Big Ten - 1978

Retrospective | International Musician, Mar 1985

Studio Diary

Feature | Topic: Recording Studios | International Musician, May 1975

Talking Shop

Feature | Topic: Retail | Electronics & Music Maker, Mar 1983
Don Larking

At Home In The Studio

Feature | Topic: Home Studio | Home & Studio Recording, Nov 1985
Zsa Zsa

Zsa Zsa defected from Hungary to Britain with very little knowledge of English. Now she has her own home studio in London, complete with Greengate sampler.


News | Sound International, Jan 1979
Instruments and Equipment

Split as they are (these pages) into Studios and Recording, Instruments and Equipment, and Etcetera (for news pieces with no homes to go to).



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